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How Can I Help? + What Should I Ask? + Knock Yourself Out!

How Can I Help? + What Should I Ask? + Knock Yourself Out!

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island, 

I hope all is well and you have a wee bit of time. 

Kettle on? Do you have time for a cuppa, I promise I won't be long. 

How are you doing today? Finding the time to breath?

This time of year is an exceptionally busy one with our online store. 

It has and is still a wild ride for us at the shop with zero time to think about much other than being efficient and staying kind through the stress. I want to thank all the staff and all those who have come in to help.    

"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I will try tomorrow night to get outside and head to the North Shore area of Prince Edward Island to watch The Geminids. It almost sounds like a sitcom, but they are among the most reliable — and most active — meteor showers of the year. And the stars have aligned to make it even better than usual. Thank you, CBC. More of the story here.

When I see a shooting star zoom through the darkness of night, it reminds me of someone who has left this earth.

“The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, 
and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us,
and we only know them when they are gone.”
—George Eliot

The night sky brings with it so many questions. Science might be the leading contender for most of those questions, but science does not have all the answers.

Reason is our soul’s left hand, Faith her right.
-John Donne

After contemplating the nature of reality, Physicist and Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr stated, “The fact that religions through the ages have spoken in images, parables, and paradoxes means simply that there are no other ways of grasping the reality to which they refer. But that does not mean that it is not a genuine reality. And splitting this reality into an objective and a subjective side won’t get us very far.”

It is so simple.
It is important that we teach our children the importance of having respect for themselves and other people. If they are not being respectful or if someone is being disrespectful to them, real learning cannot take place. 
~Jacqui Rivait

Covid News for Prince Edward Island gives hope to families hoping to get together for Christmas dinner.

While on the subject of questions and dinner table conversations. 

What is a good question to ask at the dinner table to guarantee a great conversation?"

I am curious as to know what you think. Please let me know in the comment section. 

When asking others’ questions in a loving and caring manner and genuinely listening to them, one gives dignity and respect to the other. And heaven knows we need more of that around the dinner and decision makers tables of the world. 

Human dignity is the same for all human beings: when I trample on the dignity of another, I am trampling on my own. ~ Pope Francis

Tis’ the season…Christmas music gets a refresh by so many artists every year. 

This morning, I am listening to:  Stephan Moccio - Winter Poems

I have always loved this song, What the World Needs Now.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend with lots of time to relax or a few moments of total peace. (perhaps this is what I am thinking of trying to find for myself, LOL)

I am sending love from Prince Edward Island. 


Bruce & Mille

ps. Your Morning Smile

I asked the surgeon if I could administer my own anaesthetic.

He said, "Sure, knock yourself out!"

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Patty Greenan - December 29, 2020

Hi Bruce , so love getting ur blogs . A lot reminds me ,of my younger days as a child . I so love going to Island Preserve Company ,with great friends for lunch over the summer . Love love ur Raspberry Cream pie . It’s the best and so so yummy . All the best to u and Shirley in 2021 . I so look forward to visiting ur restaurant this summer . Thanks Patty

Amanda Spargo - December 17, 2020

Thank you for the e-newsletter Bruce. I just ordered (2) gifts for family and friends from your website. Looking forward to hearing their feedback. Missed our annual trip to visit family on the Island this year. Happy Holidays from Ontario

Julie MacKenzie - December 14, 2020

I love your blog Bruce! I look forward to it every week. Keep on…keeping on! Wishing you & yours a very Merry Christmas & a Wonderful 2021! ;)

Mary McCaughey - December 14, 2020

Bruce, Thank you to you and your staff for the very timely delivery of two gifts to my brothers in Boston. They were so quickly delivered less than a week. My brothers were so appreciative of the lovely products that reminded them of their native birthplace. Merry Christmas Bruce, Shirley and all your staff

Zyna from Winnipeg - December 14, 2020

This is the latest I have ever read the Bruce Blog. It’s after nine on a Sunday evening, but it has been one of those weekends.
However, there is nothing on Masterpiece Theatre tonight, so I came here for my moment of self indulgence . And what a reward it has been. Stephan Moccio was so tranquil. That is such a lovely new offering. I’m going to hassle Santa…AND THEN, tranquility over, but joy in abundance with the ‘Gang from Broadway’! I kept saying ‘Wow! Wow!’ as all those famous faces appeared. What a fabulous production number. You always find such delights for us, Bruce! Thank you for the lovely surprises.

I have so enjoyed the dinner conversation suggestions by the other Blog club members. We will have to save them for our dinners of the future, we will just be the two of us this Christmas…but that’s fine…we are well. We are safe.

I wish that for you all out there – wherever you are. Be well. Be safe.

However, there are three lovely people who have sent call-outs to me over the last weeks – Beth in Australia (…where abouts I wonder) and Susan E-J, and Althea ( a lovely message last week !). I hope Bruce will not mind my saying ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’
to these ladies who sent greeting to me through his blog. See what you have started, Bruce. Your friendship is infectious!
But how special is that bond you have created between us. You are a link to and with many, and this forum is unique.
This week Annie is right. This IS the most uplifting and encouraging blog.

Here’s to you Bruce, and Shirley and that lovely furry friend we have come to adore. I do hope that a peaceful and restful Christmas will soon be yours to enjoy after your final parcel wends its way towards a lucky receiver. Blessings be!…Z

Peggy Freeman - December 13, 2020

Hi Bruce! Loved the song again this week. I suppose the first question I would ask at the table would be what things did everyone learn during their stay at home. It’s an exciting time with the vaccinations being prepared to disperse! Hopefully, next year will see the world starting to get out and move around again! Happy Holidays to you and Mille!
Peggy Freeman

Diane Lemay Montreal Quebec - December 13, 2020

My first time reading your blog. Thank you. It was very inspirational. When I visited my friend in PEI a couple of years ago, she introduced me to your restaurant. Impressive. When I saw on Facebook that you did mail orders I was really happy as I have been doing all my Christmas shopping on line this year. Your mail order service is excellent. Thank you…..

Annie - December 13, 2020
As for the dinner question, I have a few in mind, but one in particular comes to the forefront: “What has been the most encouraging and uplifting blog you have read this year?” My answer is yours.

Another question is “Where will be your first destination once all of the travel bans have been lifted?” My answer to my beloved PEI, and of course to the Preserve Company and the Gardens of Hope while I am there. My soul longs for that day.

A third question is, “How has your life’s perspective and priorities changed as a result of enduring this pandemic thus far?” Part of my answer will be that I have learned to prioritize people and experiences, and I will never again take for granted the freedom to truly enjoy company, travel, eat at restaurants, gather with book clubs, meet my friends in coffee shops, host parties, and shop in my favorite stores unmasked, unhindered, and unafraid. Meanwhile, I am grateful for ability to miss those freedoms, because it means I once enjoyed them, and they were marvelous.

Blessings to you and your family during this busy holiday season! Stay safe, stay sane, and stay Merry! :)

Marilew West - December 13, 2020

This is the first time I have read your blog, and I have enjoyed it very much. Also wondered about the source of your great quotes! MerryChristmas !

Bernadette Belville - December 13, 2020

All your blogs make interesting reading!! Your jokes always make me smile or laugh!! A very Blessed Christmas to you and your family!!

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