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How Can I Help? + What Should I Ask? + Knock Yourself Out!

How Can I Help? + What Should I Ask? + Knock Yourself Out!

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island, 

I hope all is well and you have a wee bit of time. 

Kettle on? Do you have time for a cuppa, I promise I won't be long. 

How are you doing today? Finding the time to breath?

This time of year is an exceptionally busy one with our online store. 

It has and is still a wild ride for us at the shop with zero time to think about much other than being efficient and staying kind through the stress. I want to thank all the staff and all those who have come in to help.    

"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I will try tomorrow night to get outside and head to the North Shore area of Prince Edward Island to watch The Geminids. It almost sounds like a sitcom, but they are among the most reliable — and most active — meteor showers of the year. And the stars have aligned to make it even better than usual. Thank you, CBC. More of the story here.

When I see a shooting star zoom through the darkness of night, it reminds me of someone who has left this earth.

“The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, 
and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us,
and we only know them when they are gone.”
—George Eliot

The night sky brings with it so many questions. Science might be the leading contender for most of those questions, but science does not have all the answers.

Reason is our soul’s left hand, Faith her right.
-John Donne

After contemplating the nature of reality, Physicist and Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr stated, “The fact that religions through the ages have spoken in images, parables, and paradoxes means simply that there are no other ways of grasping the reality to which they refer. But that does not mean that it is not a genuine reality. And splitting this reality into an objective and a subjective side won’t get us very far.”

It is so simple.
It is important that we teach our children the importance of having respect for themselves and other people. If they are not being respectful or if someone is being disrespectful to them, real learning cannot take place. 
~Jacqui Rivait

Covid News for Prince Edward Island gives hope to families hoping to get together for Christmas dinner.

While on the subject of questions and dinner table conversations. 

What is a good question to ask at the dinner table to guarantee a great conversation?"

I am curious as to know what you think. Please let me know in the comment section. 

When asking others’ questions in a loving and caring manner and genuinely listening to them, one gives dignity and respect to the other. And heaven knows we need more of that around the dinner and decision makers tables of the world. 

Human dignity is the same for all human beings: when I trample on the dignity of another, I am trampling on my own. ~ Pope Francis

Tis’ the season…Christmas music gets a refresh by so many artists every year. 

This morning, I am listening to:  Stephan Moccio - Winter Poems

I have always loved this song, What the World Needs Now.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend with lots of time to relax or a few moments of total peace. (perhaps this is what I am thinking of trying to find for myself, LOL)

I am sending love from Prince Edward Island. 


Bruce & Mille

ps. Your Morning Smile

I asked the surgeon if I could administer my own anaesthetic.

He said, "Sure, knock yourself out!"

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Sharon Kalich - December 13, 2020

re conversation around dinner table.
“If you could talk to one person, real or fictional, who would it be? and why?”

althea - December 13, 2020

Hallo there, Bruce. Reading today’s Globe and Mail and under the heading “Canada Gives – How to be a Good Doer”, in the section Arts & Pursuits, page P6, Gayle MacDonald mentions your Gardens of Hope Respite Cottage. So this is a shout out to those who do not know about you and Shirley’s absolutely gorgeous and fabulous and generous offering to those who need/undergoing palliative care. Thank you for all you, your family and PEI Preserve do for everyone, far and wide. As always and as usual, love and all blessings….with help from one of Shel Silverstein’s delightful poems: Ricky was “L” but he’s home with the flu, Lizzie, our “O”, had some homework to do, Mitchell, “E” prob’ly got lost on the way, So I’m all of love that could make it today.

Kay - December 12, 2020

I ask about a favourite traditions. We will be remembering all the extended family & friends that could not be at our table this year. By remembering and talking about all the fun times we have shared they all will join the table.

Wendy Mockett - December 12, 2020

This is such a crazy year! We will be alone for Christmas for the first time in 58 years! If we were having a Christmas dinner the one question I would ask is – what has been the highlight of this horrible year?". And also “what are you praying for in the coming year?”. We do our Gratitude topic at Thanksgiving. Thanks for the blog it helps keep us sane! Blessings from Ontario

Cynthia McDougall - December 12, 2020

Thank you Bruce.I have also always loved this song.Bless your heart. May we always reach out, listen and care for one another in this world. Peace,blessings and love.


Susan McDonald - December 12, 2020

Good morning from Alberta! Always enjoy and look forward to your blogs. You always post something that gives me “food for thought”! So missed my yearly visit to the Island Preserve Company this past summer and thankfully I still have preserves on hand but so wanted a meal or two with the always delicious food from your restaurant. I want to mention I ordered the Breakfast Gift Box for my folks who live in a Seniors Complex in Summerside for Christmas. They received it this week and were so excited I received a phone call right away! They were so impressed with the variety of goodies in the box! In fact so pleased Mom had to show it off to her neighbour ladies!! 💕 Thankfully they still live independently and a gift box such as this is a real treat! Thank you Bruce and staff! Merry Christmas 🎄 to one and all!

Carol Prickett - December 12, 2020

Your happily anticipated weekly blog means all the more, knowing what a busy time of year this is for you. May a joyful surprise come your way today and savor those stars!

Helen - December 12, 2020

Thoroughly enjoy your blog . Thank you for sharing .

Dinner time , walking kids home from school , chatting on the phone …..try asking,
“ What is the nicest thing someone said to you this week ?”

Pat Cossaboom-Jones - December 12, 2020

At “home” in N.S. each Thanksgiving we do our “Thankfuls”. Each person puts what they are thankful for in a bowl-we take turns reading them. A beautiful exercise. This year that would be a great idea around the Christmas dinner table. No negative chatter just people sharing love & positive thoughts. During this strange, unprecedented year there is still a great deal to be thankful for-I will add you, your blog & your positivity to my list. Thank you Bruce for being there for all of us. Merry Christmas to you, Millie and your family.

Jack & Lillian Paul - December 12, 2020

Thank you Bruce for another uplifting blog.
We hope you have a Merry Christmas with your family.

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