Geese, Music and Skid Row
The summer has finally heated up here in Prince Edward Island.
This past week we had some heat warning issued by Environment Canada, as temperatures crept up into the 30-degree range.
I am sure some of our US cousins will be surprised to hear that we get warnings at 86 degrees Fahrenheit!
Cavendish made headlines this week, with these troublemakers holding up traffic, take a "gander here".
A few kilometres from us are thousands of people enjoying the weekend-long Cavendish Beach Music Festival as it is celebrating a 10-year anniversary. This year’s headliner, Luke Bryan, is one of the biggest names in country music today!
I want to personally congratulate the organizers for ten years and for creating one of the premier country music festivals in Canada, if not North America.
Early on my support waned as public intoxication relating to the festival was an issue in the Cavendish area. I was in fear that all the years of hard work fellow tourism operators had put into making Cavendish an inviting and safe community was in danger of being wasted.
Kudos to all involved for turning those negatives into an opportunity to learn and grow what it is today.
I hope everyone at the event has a safe and fun experience in this beautiful part of Canada.
It is impressive when people step up, listen, take responsibility, learn from it and proceed to make better decisions every day.
We never really know what it is like to walk in another person's shoes and sit back and judging others is wrong.
I am as guilty of it as the next person, but my heart often reminds me to be more empathetic.
Seeking to move up in life takes grit, perseverance, and courage. Courage grows when en'courage'ment is given. The human spirit requires it, yet not everyone receives it or gives it.
After love, I think empathy and forgiveness are some of the most powerful words in the English dictionary, add to those, Thank You, Help, and Ask.
This story from the Island this week reminds me of Love Your Neighbour. Read here.
Earlier this week I was reading about a mission in Skid Row Los Angeles and having recently visited that city, I was intrigued to dig a little deeper into the story. What I found was a beautiful piece of humanity. I hope you enjoy the video, it may hit you on many levels, just remember love always wins. Be kind to yourself and to others.
"Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." ~ Leo Busgaglia
Wishing everyone a nice weekend and all the best to you and yours.
With love from Prince Edward Island,
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