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They Died for Us, Proud Maritimers, and the Beautiful Birds

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island,

Something to think about.

Habits. Bad Habits. Good Habits. Everyday Habits.

Watching the birds out our sunroom window most days has me thinking curiously as both they and I prepare for the day, the week, the month, the season.

Curiosity is what fuels our imaginations. It drives us to learn and explore and expand our view of what this world is and perhaps even could be.

My morning habit after the routine pit stop is put the kettle on and prepare tea for Shirley and me. 

I put a 3 x 5 card on the counter, write the date on it and go about my routine, such as preparing breakfast.

My brain begins to percolate.

Things that need to be done, forgotten items or everyday items I see as needing to be done today or soon goes on the list. Example, I wanted to have porridge this morning, whoops….no maple syrup in the house. Poof...on the list. 

What is your morning routine? Assuming you brush your teeth, etc. LOL But before we go there, let’s back up a bit...

For the last month or so, I have been writing in my Five Minute Journal. I am loving it and found it to make a difference with anxiety and adds clarity to life.

The creators of the book condensed hundreds of positive psychology articles, books, and research into a structured process of 5 daily questions that focus your attention on gratitude, setting the direction for making your day great, and reflecting on good things that happen throughout your day.

I heard about the journal while listening to a Tim Ferriss podcast. 

If you haven’t heard his podcast might I suggest you take a listen here?

Be mindful while listening it may well not be your cup of tea. 

It reminds me of a buffet, just choose what you like.  I find it very informative and Tim is an engaging interviewer. I listen in the car while driving. 

“The Five Minute Journal is one of the simplest ways that I have found to consistently ensure improving my well being and happiness. Both regarding achievement and actual measurable, quantifiable results.” Tim Ferriss

Ok...back to the birds.

Brendan Kelly has done a photojournalist story for our local public broadcaster, CBC. “If you're a birder, prowling the Island's wetlands, shorelines and forests will yield some of the most gorgeous sights P.E.I. has to offer. Thank you, Brendan. Meet some of the beautiful birds that call the Island home. Click Here.

November 11th is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veteran’s Day in the US.

This date marks the anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War; a hopeful event still marked 100 years later with sombre remembrance of those lost in that war and the many actions that followed.

Our regional journalists through their Saltwire Network affiliation has done a great job of capturing stories about the First and Second World Wars, the soldier's and nurse's life, and people who have lived it.

Read their collection of insightful journalism here.

I have written about how I feel about Remembrance Day in a previous blog post. Read my blog post, Emotional here.

The Maritimes lost a lot of its men in these wars, and those that returned were forever affected and consequently so were the families. 

I am a proud Maritimer. 

It is fair to say Canada is a great country doing its best to be a beacon of hope for its residents and the world.  Also, fair to say as well that most Maritimers and Canadians don't know our regional history as well as we could.

One of my favourite journalists from the region had been Jordi Morgan, and when I no longer saw him on CBC, I missed his style.

Unbeknownst to me, his Mom, Betty is one of my blog readers. She recently wrote to me to tell me I should read her son's Jordi's blog, I checked it out and lo and behold there he is. Thanks, Mom, I love his blog, and please thank him for me.

Jordi Morgan is Vice-President, Atlantic Canada at CFIB. He oversees all legislative activities and communications for the Atlantic region’s four provinces. He has created a podcast called Fall Back Up, where he interviews regional people making a difference. 

I became a fan of Donald Savoie when I first read about him. He is a proud Maritimer who tells it like it is, it was or how it could/should be. 

Savoie founded the Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development at the University of Moncton in 1983 where he also teaches public administration. He has advised governments in Canada and abroad, including governments in Russia, China, Brazil, Hungary and Bosnia Herzegovina. He also advised many international organizations including the United Nations, the World Bank and the OECD. Listen Here: 

While writing on this rainy and windy day, I have been listening to: 

Schubert: Die Nacht performed by Anja Lechner & Pablo Marquez.

The rich baritone of the cello dovetails amazingly well with the guitar in this thoughtfully assembled program.  Take a listen here

With Love from Prince Edward Island, 




"Yes, Theo, what is it?" asked the teacher.

"I don’t want to alarm you, Miss Davis, but my dad said if I don't get better grades, someone was going to be in big trouble."


Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Mary Beth MacMillan - November 11, 2018

Always food for thought in your reflections and musings . Thoroughly enjoy your posts Bruce!

Sid and Ruth Warren - November 10, 2018

In Sept 2018 our 2 daughters, 1 son-in-law and 1 Grandaughter took Sid ,my husband to Fance to celebrate his 80 th birthday. This trip fulfilled a life long dream of Sid’s to
visit the gravesites of his two uncles from Elliot’s PEI, who perished in August 1918 at the tender ages go 18,and 22. It was an emotional experience for all, making Nov 11 th even more meaningful. The graveyards were immaculately groomed and he even met
a tour guide in the tunnels from PEI.
In memory of Wellington Pope Warren and Walter Robert Warren.
Ruth Warren

Linda Amaolo - November 10, 2018

I am reading your blog from Dundas, Ontario. In the summer time we travel to our cottage in Canoe Cove, PE. It is a ritual for us to have lunch in your dining room (Yum) and then get our preserves. We have seen you tending to the vast number of guests from the coach tours. We enjoy our visits very much. Wishing you a memorable Remembrance Day weekend as we bow our heads and remember the fallen Canadian veterans from both World Wars.

Elizabeth A. Morgan MORGAN - November 10, 2018

Wow! I wasn’t expecting that! Will immediately forward to Jordi.
I have suggested you would make a good interview and he does travel to the Island. Perhaps if I send this, he will be in touch. I don’t interfere with his life! (much). I’m hoping someone will interview him some day as he has had a remarkable history too.

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