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Fall Reflections and Tea Time

This photo was taken September in our Gardens of Hope by Janice, a respite cottage guest in the fall of 2017

For every thing, there is a time, and this is the time for reflection and tea.

Fall has officially arrived. Here in Prince Edward Island, the temperature has taken a dip, leaves are changing from green to orange and red, and pumpkins are appearing in fall displays around homes and businesses.

Many of you love hearing about things here on the island, so you might be interested to know that we broke a weather record earlier this week, when the temperature hit 30 degrees Celsius, that is 86 degrees Fahrenheit for our American friends!  We are known for our beautiful Septembers, but that sort of temperature is very unusual for us at this time of year. It’s rare that we are out raking leaves in shorts and t-shirts!

We also had some thundershowers rumbling across the province this week. An old weather adage states, “Thunder in fall, no winter at all.” We will have to wait to see about that!

This time of year signals us here in the Maritimes to start preparing for winter and ensuring our tea cupboards are stocked with our favourite tea blends and accessories. One of my favourite tea accessories is the Paris Tea strainer, I just place on my Dunoon mug first thing in the morning, put a teaspoon of tea, add water, set the timer and voila...the day begins. 

The Preserve Company has been blending and selling loose leaf tea for many, many years since 1988 to be exact. As many of you know, we have a wide range of wonderful tea products for you to enjoy.

This being the fall season, I’ll draw my attention to some of my favourites:

Morning Tea Favourites are China Black Keemun,  Darjeeling and Organic PEI Breakfast  

Afternoon Tea Favourites are  China JasmineSencha Peach

Evening Tea Favourites are Organic Mint, Evening Calm and Rooibos Sunspot Orange

What is your favourite type of tea? Are there any you would like to learn more about?

While writing this blog this morning, I had a cup of Keemun and was taking time to reflect a bit of 2017 so I went back and looked at a blog post I wrote at the beginning of the year. I can honestly say that I achieved most of what I set out to do and happiness fills my heart. Read that blog here

Quote of the Week

"Deep within us—no matter who we are—there lives a feeling of wanting to be lovable, of wanting to be the kind of person that others like to be with. And the greatest thing we can do is to let people know that they are loved and capable of loving." ~ Mister Rogers.

Hope all is well with you and yours! 




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Nan C - October 8, 2017

I’ve just discovered Lapsang Souchong and have fallen in love with its smokey goodness! Don’t know anything about it except YUM! I’m working to buy a set of your breakfast cups and saucers very soon! A gift to ME!

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