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Butterflies, Napkins and Hurricane Irma

Butterflies, Napkins and Hurricane Irma

This is a magical time of year in Prince Edward Island, as butterflies visit us during their migration south. This year, however, we’re being treated to many more butterflies than the average year, particularly, the Painted Lady butterfly.

Painted Lady Butterfly

Islanders have also been observing more monarch butterflies this year than in years past.

I know by reactions of the visitors we've seen at the Butterfly House this season that these winged insects are quite a wonder for all! Sad news for our Butterfly House regulars is that the house is closed until next June. 

Every once in a while, I will find a quirky story to share for your reading pleasure (hopefully). Being in the restaurant business, I found this article to be just the quirk to share. A Brief History of Napkins. Click here

That’s the note I will leave you with for this week as we send our thoughts and prayers to those in the path of and or middle of Hurricane Irma. We have many friends in Florida, and we are sincerely hoping everyone stays safe.

If there is any way you can help those less fortunate, remember a good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help another up. 

Here is a list of trusted sources where donations can be made. Click here

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Beth - September 25, 2017

We use lovely color coordinated dish towels as napkins and wash them with the laundry…no paper, no germs, no ironing.

Lisa Hendry - September 24, 2017

Thank you so much for your care and concern for those of us impacted by Hurricane Irma. Although we had a great deal of property damage, all of my family and friends are safe and well. We are thankful for the power crews from all over the US and Canada for their help in restoring our power.we also appreciate all the prayers from our Canadian friends. I can’t wait until I can visit your beautiful island again.

Gary & Elaine Erhart - September 16, 2017

Irma is now history & we are thankful to Canadian crews who came down to help restore our power. We were without power for just 70 hours because of all the wonderful help our state received from Canada and many US states. It was a very challenging time but as always, God is faithful and we continue to serve as He has chosen to protect us thru this one. Please continue to pray and help those who lost so much. Our small losses and inconveniences are nothing compared to what some of dealing with even today.

Maureen Silvester - September 12, 2017

I lived on the Island for 3 1/2 years and enjoyed your restaurant many many times often alone and at times with friends who visited from home BC. Enjoyed your article on Napkins.

Lari Beckley - September 11, 2017

I have enjoyed reading your blog and e-mails. They are encouraging and positive. Thank you! As a Floridian who is literally saving pennies for our first visit to PEI, we appreciate your mention of our state and Hurricane Irma. We are assessing the damage this morning, but my family is safe, for which we are grateful. I am looking forward to meeting you someday and visiting your beautiful island.

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