John Lennon, Olympics and the Power of One
Another week is closing, and it is hard to believe that it near the middle of February.
The Winter Olympic Games have started. I watched the opening ceremonies with young children exploring a world where everyone lives in peace, then to see South and North Korea entering the stadium together, it certainly brings hope to heart. A historic moment. (we will leave politics out of this blog) The vocalists singing John Lennon's Imagine within the lit framework of a dove was so poignant as well.
"Imagine if the world could see what a mom sees," ads get me every time. #LoveOverBias
After watching the athletes proudly parading in their nations’ colours, including the 225 Canadian athletes and 87 coaches, I couldn't help conjure up wishful thinking. No borders, no flags and no boundaries as to what we humans can achieve with our commonality versus false pride and racial judgement. Ok, ok, a fella can dream can't he? The music, the lighting, the Olympic events, are quite a testament to leadership, organization and sacrifice.
Speaking of leadership, I read a story this week about a young man who overcame a number of setbacks in his life. If anyone deserves a gold medal this week, it would be him. It reflects the power we all have as individuals. The power of one. Read the story here.
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.” M. Gandhi
I was given tears of joy this week by those of you who took the time to answer our question, "Please list three adjectives that describe The Preserve Company for you". A great big THANK YOU and HUGS to all. It was such a reward and gave me such elation to read such words as those shared. (For anyone who missed this, we are in the process of building a new website specifically for our blogging, hoping to create a community of like-minded to share and converse with each other around items we share. (Read last weeks comments here)
I never tire of reading sentiments and stories from our treasured customers. I appreciate you all. If any wish to leave three adjectives that describe what our little company means to you, please do.
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentines Day week!
With love and kindness from Prince Edward Island!
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