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Sharing is Caring, Optimism2020: A Manifesto, Water Pistols

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island, 

Put on the kettle, warm the mug, fill it and let's chat. Thank you for allowing me this time to be with you. 

Over the last few weeks off writing a number of you have shared via email the need to share stress solutions more. It seems a lot of people are experiencing it. 

“So many people come to me asking how I should pray, how I should think, what I should do. And the whole time, they neglect the most important question, which is, how should I be?” ~ Meister Eckhart, German Mystic

I started doing this simple exercise and found it helpful. 


These times have me thinking/worrying a lot more. It seems life’s default dial settings are turned to and fro, causing a great deal of discomfort through the uncertainty of the times. 

“There are more things … likely to frighten us than there are to crush us; we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” ~ Seneca

This week a number of folks sent interesting articles and or suggestions for the blog, and it makes my heart swell with gratitude. Thank you, Sharyn, for this item worth sharing. 


Earlier this year I read, Atomic Habits by James Clear, it has become one of my favourites ever. It seems that his last name is aptly attached to this author. His clarity and wisdom are such a treat and at times a clarion call.

"In times of uncertainty, your habits can ground you.

When you feel overwhelmed, practice 1 minute of mindfulness.

When you feel restless, do a 1-minute workout.

When the world seems uncontrollable, focus on what you can control."

~ James Clear

Staying positive and optimistic can be challenging at times, but I need to list my thinking as one of the things I can control. Canadian Chris Hadfield, International Space Station Commander, said, “the best antidote to fear is competence.” And I tell myself, practice makes perfect.  

I share Optimism2020: A Manifesto in Trevor McKendrick’s, How It Actually Works Newsletter.

Optimism2020: A Manifesto

1) Focus your time & attention on the things you can influence.

2) Do something today instead of daydreaming about tomorrow.

3) See problems as opportunities to learn, grow, and give meaning to our lives.

4) Keep promises to yourself, no matter how small. Telling yourself you’ll go on a walk and then doing it. Promising to call a friend, and doing it. Committing to your boss you’ll send that email, and doing it.

5) Have confidence you’ll be able to figure out how to fix that thing that just broke.

6) Choose carefully the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what you’re capable of.

7) Move fast. Most decisions can be reversed later.

8) Be you. Not because you’re entitled to be heard but because there is some unique thing you have to offer, if you can find it.

9) Believe we can think, and build, and create ourselves out of any problem.

10) Internalize that the pie is not fixed, that life is not zero-sum.

11) Focus on why something could work instead of why it won’t.

12) See yourself as part of the solution, not a victim of the problem.

13) Pay for the drive-thru order of the car behind you.

14) Recognize problems as temporary and specific, not permanent and expansive.

15) Believe problems are solvable. Maybe not right away, probably not easily, but that it can be done.

Over the long term, the future is decided by optimists. To be an optimist, you don’t have to ignore all the many problems we create; you just have to imagine improving our capacity to solve problems.” ~ Kevin Kelly, the founder of WIRED magazine

This last quote mentioned future, what about the past? 

Have fun with this fantastic little quiz. It answers what has happened since you were born. Try it here. Really neat stuff. Life Stats.

I started to write this morning at 3:50, the earliest yet. I thought I need gentle music to start the day. I went to the YouTube search and put in “nocturne”  and found Chopin Complete Nocturnes played Brigitte Engerer. What a treat it was to spend the time with her talent. The video does not show her playing, it is a compilation of her recordings. It runs almost two hours long, so I’d advise putting it on and letting it play.

But if you like to watch and listen, below is Canadian pianist Angela Hewitt, performing at a competition in 2009. The expressions are priceless. 

"Remember when you go into the world and keep your eyes and ears wide open.

And be kind.

Love one another.

Take care of each other.

Tell the truth.

Always do your best.

Listen to the big people and the little people.

Explore new paths and have fun.

Know that you are loved like crazy.

Give thanks for all your blessings.

Above all else, love, and you will do wonderful things in this world."

-Rebecca Puig

Have a wonderful weekend and take care of each other. 

With love from Prince Edward Island, 


Bruce & Millie


When my three-year-old son opened the birthday gift from his grandmother, he discovered a water pistol. He squealed with delight and headed for the nearest sink.

I was not so pleased. I turned to Mom and said, "I'm surprised at you. Don't you remember how we used to drive you crazy with water guns?"

Mom smiled and then replied, "Oh, I remember!"

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Murdock Morrison - August 2, 2020

A wonderful blog as your references in word and music are exactly the kind of support that we will enjoy once we read and play them later. Just reading national and local news doesn’t inspire us and most of the time depresses us and we need your inspiritual blog to see the reality of things. Murdock

Barbara Amsler - August 1, 2020

I look forward to your blog every weekend, it is always worth the read and full of inspiration. Than you.

Today though, the first thing that got me was your photo! Gorgeous! I don’t know if you sell your prints, but if you did … I would love a copy of that sunrise :].

Best Regards,

Heather Hawryluk - August 1, 2020

Near the start of the pandemic American composer, Eric Whitacre, wrote a choral piece called “Sing Gently” and put it out on Youtube as “Virtual Choir 6”. Anyone who wanted to participate was invited to register, download the sheet music and submit a video in whichever part suited your voice (at no cost to the participant). There were online rehearsals and guide tracks to help you practice, and to use when you recorded your video. Over 40,000 people from all around the world registered, and 17,572 from 129 countries submitted videos. I was one of them (you can find my name in the Alto section in the credits). It was an amazing experience; it made me feel connected to the world even though I was isolated at home, and the message of the song is both beautiful and needful. It still moves me to tears.

Molly Devlin - August 1, 2020

What a wonderful lesson "If This Time " I was so inspired by his voice and by his words!

Tati - August 1, 2020

Thank you for this post. We would normally be packed up, dogs and all heading east to our beloved island…like so many others, we cannot. Friends who live within the Atlantic bubble or are islanders share their photos and I delight and yearn for those places I know so well. I think of the beautiful stained glass trout dancing through your windows, sparkling as if in the water…and hope for another kind d of day next year. Thank you for the Brigit Engerer post. I listened to it this morning and it helped shake off some of the co vid anxieties and sent me with work gloves on into the garden. Peace to you and with gratitude.

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