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Nature Heals, Prison Time, and Two Watt Lightbulbs

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island,

Time for tea? Put the kettle on, and let’s talk about happy things.

On Prince Edward Island, we have a wonderful organization, called Island Nature Trust.

An Island organization which deserves our support.

A larger vision through government departments like Health & Wellness and Education and Life Long Learning could benefit society.

In my opinion, working with Island Trust, Native Council, teachers, instructors, senior citizen advocates, to create a strategy enabling more people opportunity to enjoy nature in new and diverse ways would be a wonderful bonus to some folks.

A pathway to good health both physical and mental.

Island Nature Trust has recently published a “Passport to Nature.”

The passport is a booklet containing information on a series of events we have organized for this summer and fall. The purpose of the passport is to help Islanders and visitors alike experience and learn more about PEI’s protected places.

Island Nature Trust owns over 4,000 acres of land in 47 natural areas across PEI. Upland hardwood stands, to forested wetlands, beaches and dunes, and nearshore islands.

Their Passport to Nature provides ample opportunity to discover some special places!

Paper copies of the passport are available at their office or you can download an online version here.

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir

This week, I was reading about Norway's prison system. (not that I was thinking of doing crime and time in Norway.)

It is interesting in how they have reduced their recidivism rate down to 20%. Sad though, that in North America 60 to 80% of all offenders end up doing more time in jail.

In Norway, there are no life sentences.

The architecture of Halden Prison design is to reduce residents' sense of incarceration. Ease psychological stress and to put them in harmony with the surrounding nature, as well.

The prison is set in beautiful blueberry woods peppered with majestic silver birch and pine trees.

From the moment the one who did the crime enters the system their release is being planned.

"If we treat inmates like animals in prison, then we will release animals on to your street. We are releasing your neighbour."

Interesting how nature and love works.

In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the privileged vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds. ~ Henri Nouwen

Read, How Norway turns criminals into Good Neighbours.

Paris has been in the news for the last few years, primarily for the Paris Agreement.

Since the signing of the agreement, France has announced a handful of policies.

Banning petrol and diesel vehicles. Eliminating coal-fueled electricity. And investing billions of dollars in sustainable-energy methods, amongst other things.

The city's landmarks are famous. Ambitious plans to create urban forests near most of its landmarks is in action. Read the story here.

I love this video story. 


Got to run, the grill is on, breakfast is ready to be served and our Saturday morning guests are here and the day begins.

I discovered Nicola Benedetti in 2013, and I love listening to her album The Silver Violin, a collection of movie scores. Sample listen here

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for entertaining me this morning with your time.

With love from Prince Edward Island,



Did you ever have this kind of conversation?

A man walks into a hardware store and speaks to the cashier.

"Have you any two-watt bulbs?"

"For what?"

"That’ll do, I'll take two."

"Two what?"

"I thought you didn’t have any."

"Any what?"

"Yes please!"

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


MURDOCK MORRISON - July 14, 2019

Bruce – a most interesting article on PEI Island Trust as I too realize the value that they are to islanders who have seen lands taken by outsiders over the past number of years and depend on this organization to protect the land as much as they can. Your comments on the prison system in Norway was an eye opener and should be a model that our government should evaluate to improve what we now have. Finally , our friends from Connecticut , John and Sandee Brown were here for the weekend and we visited one of our favourite places to visit and they bought several products ( mint jelly, lemon curd and several bottles of your jams ) to bring home – missed seeing you but enjoyed our visit to the Preserve Company. Murdock, Connie, John and Sandee

Penny Wright - July 13, 2019

Love the ideas from the Norway prison… we are releasing your neighbours….

Gillian Keane - July 13, 2019

Amazing what a kind heart and ingenuity can accomplish!

Tati - July 13, 2019

Thank you for sharing this blog this morning. The story on the tiny house builder for the homeless was very moving.

Miles Fujiwara - July 13, 2019

Hi Bruce!
I love the article on Norway’s corrections programme. I believe I saw a piece about this in the US on CBS’ Sunday Morning. Treating criminals like people and letting them know they are part of a community that wants them to return. Quite a concept!
I hope you and yours have a wonderful week!

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