The Lights of Rustico
For several years now, members of this Seaside community have had a friendly competition to have the biggest and brightest displays of Christmas lights on their homes and businesses. Every year people come from all over the Island to see the beautiful displays. It has become a tradition for many and has grown so much that many bus tours have made North Rustico a stop during the holiday season. Enjoy!
Check out the video below of the Christmas lights in North Rustico by Islander and friend Pat Martel! It features North Rustico’s own James Gallant and his touching story on why he started decorating his house for Christmas. (Because of James’s hard work, he inspired this Town. He was the recipient of the Provincial Credit Union’s 2015 Volunteer of the Year Award. He has also raised donations for the Children’s Wish Foundation over the last 10 years).
Merry Christmas!
Bruce & Shirley
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