Life is a gift and the Giver is good! Happy Thanksgiving, Canada
Warm Thanksgiving Wishes
“I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Lucy Maud Montgomery
It is one of my favourite weekends of the year! Thanksgiving has arrived. The foliage is beautiful, and the weather continues to be an absolute treat here on the Island with sunshine and warm temperatures. I’ve been busy every day greeting visitors to the shop from all over the world. One of the favourite things that I am very thankful for is meeting so many wonderful folks.
If you’re reading this from the United States, you may be wondering why I’m talking about Thanksgiving! But, in case you weren’t aware, up here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October.
Shirley and I are so thankful that one of our daughters will be joining us this year—a rare treat as she lives on the west coast of Canada, a nephew flew in from Alberta as well and other members of the family from in province and out.
We will enjoy a traditional turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, and vegetables from our garden. Of course, we will enjoy one of our raspberry pies and a cup of tea for dessert.
Did you know that we make cranberry sauce here at the Preserve Company? You may wish to try some for your next turkey dinner: Cranberry Sauce
If you happen to be in our part of PEI this fall, I do hope you’ll stop by the Gardens of Hope. We’ve had some new landscaping done, and I’m delighted with how it looks. A big THANK YOU goes to visiting landscaper, Victor Hugo Pavez who was working with us for the summer.
Here a few photos of his work.
Next year we will be building a picnic table around the base of this tree.
The view from this bench has always been my favourite view in the Gardens of Hope. Now others can sit and enjoy it. Thank you, Hugo!
I would love to hear about your Thanksgiving traditions whether you’ll be celebrating this weekend or next month!
Life is a gift and the GIVER IS GOOD!
With love,
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