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Life is a gift and the Giver is good! Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

Life is a gift and the Giver is good! Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

Warm Thanksgiving Wishes

“I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Lucy Maud Montgomery

It is one of my favourite weekends of the year! Thanksgiving has arrived. The foliage is beautiful, and the weather continues to be an absolute treat here on the Island with sunshine and warm temperatures. I’ve been busy every day greeting visitors to the shop from all over the world. One of the favourite things that I am very thankful for is meeting so many wonderful folks.

If you’re reading this from the United States, you may be wondering why I’m talking about Thanksgiving! But, in case you weren’t aware, up here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October.

Shirley and I are so thankful that one of our daughters will be joining us this year—a rare treat as she lives on the west coast of Canada, a nephew flew in from Alberta as well and other members of the family from in province and out.  

We will enjoy a traditional turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, and vegetables from our garden. Of course, we will enjoy one of our raspberry pies and a cup of tea for dessert.

Did you know that we make cranberry sauce here at the Preserve Company? You may wish to try some for your next turkey dinner: Cranberry Sauce

If you happen to be in our part of PEI this fall, I do hope you’ll stop by the Gardens of Hope. We’ve had some new landscaping done, and I’m delighted with how it looks. A big THANK YOU goes to visiting landscaper, Victor Hugo Pavez who was working with us for the summer. 

Here a few photos of his work. 

Next year we will be building a picnic table around the base of this tree.

The view from this bench has always been my favourite view in the Gardens of Hope. Now others can sit and enjoy it. Thank you, Hugo! 

I would love to hear about your Thanksgiving traditions whether you’ll be celebrating this weekend or next month!

Life is a gift and the GIVER IS GOOD! 

With love,


Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Leona - October 17, 2017

That’s the pie! My mother and I happened upon your shop when we took a road/kayaking trip round PEI in 2005. Since then we’ve ordered our favorite teas annually and told many stories about the delicious raspberry pie with some kind of creamy something at the bottom that we had in your restaurant. I’ve never had anything quite like it and it was delicious!!! I don’t suppose you’d share the recipe for a poor New England soul trapped in North Carolina who may or may not ever convince her southern husband to venture north of the Mason-Dixon line? ;)

Roxanne - October 13, 2017

Had a great experience stopping at your store while I was in PEI. In my youth living in northern Minnesota we picked berries and mom made jams and jellies. Seeing yours being made by people not machines brought back those good memories. Also, she canned antipasto and I never expected to find it anywhere else in the world and there it was, tasting just like hers. A true treasure find for me. Also I too love flowers. Look forward to ordering when the huge cache I brought home with me is gone. Oh, love the Dunoon mug I purchase. In fact I am drinking my blueberry k-cup coffee out of it right now!

Linda Renner - October 8, 2017

You asked to hear our Thanksgiving stories. Of course, we in the US celebrateThanksgiving the 4th Thursday in November. It has always been my favorite Holiday. We give thanks for so many things and my husband’s family had the best tradition. My mother-in-law and her sister always made it so special. The two families always spent a lot of time together and Thanksgiving was no exception. The cousins grew up as best friends and anyone they wanted to bring to dinner was always welcome. When the cousins had their own families it grew bigger and more noisy.

After dinner we would all sit down with pencil and paper and write our Christmas wish list. Then the youngest kid, who thought they could read, would read each list out loud. We all tried to guess whose list that might be. Guessing an adult when you could tell it was a child’s list. By the time each list was read and guessing took place, you would have a child almost in tears saying it’s mine, it’s mines. The room became so noisy, then we would settle down to hear the next list. After each list was read, then the owners name was written on it so we could purchase something from the list. The cousins were notorious teasers and the fun was abounding. We all looked forward to this each year.

We still get together as cousins and their families and grandchildren, but I miss the good ole days for Mom and Dad Renner and Aunt Jane Owens. They were the best in-laws anyone could want and made it so much fun with their laughs and their wonderful cooking, and hospitality.
We try to keep the tradition alive, and it is fun, but we certainly do miss the previous generation.

Linda Renner
Noblesville, IN, US

Nan C - October 8, 2017

Love your Gardens of Hope & the bench! A perfect place for reflection. Next month is our time for giving thanks (although it is a daily thing, too). Looking forward to the cornbread dressing, Turducken, pumpkin pie, and snacks the evening before! It is a time of gratitude for God’s goodness!

Virginia Page Jahne - October 7, 2017

Hi Bruce, Thinking of you and grateful for your kindnesses during my album launch a few years back. Good memories.
Happy Thanksgiving from Manitoba! Here is a thanksgiving poem for you.
by Mary Oliver
My work is loving the world.
Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird—
equal seekers of sweetness.
Here the quickening yeast; there the blue plums.
Here the clam deep in the speckled sand.
Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?
Am I no longer young, and still not half-perfect? Let me
keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and learning to be
The phoebe, the delphinium.
The sheep in the pasture, and the pasture.
Which is mostly rejoicing, since all the ingredients are here,
which is gratitude, to be given a mind and a heart
and these body-clothes,
a mouth with which to give shouts of joy
to the moth and the wren, to the sleepy dug-up clam,
telling them all, over and over, how it is
that we live forever

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