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Libraries, Procrastination and Why I was Wrong

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island, 

Here we are finishing week 43 2018 already, hard to believe. 

Something to think about...


It is great to see the notion of a new library and learning centre for Charlottetown discussed, the story here.

I have not seen the plans for the repurposed space and may well be speaking out of line but I wish it was a more inspiring vision that is being proposed. 

Libraries meet community cultural needs on so many levels.

They ought to be spaces created to inspire others to dream while allowing the creative spirit to soar.  

I feel a library building should be architecturally inspiring. I hope the plans are that. 

If you’re to create something powerful and important, you must at the very least be driven by an equally powerful inner force. ~ Ryan Holiday

When we travel we like to visit local libraries. Take a look at these libraries. 

Canada's Smallest Library is even inspiring. Take a peek here. 

Old Friends

This summer I saw a few friends from years ago, and it was great to see them do the "catch up" on lives lived, and this article What I Learned About Life at My 30th College Reunion by Deborah Copaken reminded me the conversations had. Interesting read here.

Flu Season

This week I noticed signage at most pharmacies promoting free flu shots and as one who has never taken a flu shot had me wondering if I should. I am still doing my research on the pros and cons and found this article, Why did the Flu Kill 80,000 Americans Last Year. Read it here. 

Christmas is Coming

October 19, 2008, I accepted the real reason for the season. This week I read, Why I was Wrong About Christianity by Tom Holland. I find the article interesting, but no means the basis for my faith. Let's say the Greeks philosophers and Roman's had influence on today, but none came near the impact a little guy named Paul. Read here. 

To Your Health 

I had mentioned in last weeks blog my desire to look after my health more proactively. Hence I am reading more about what one can do to slow down the rate of decline one experiences while ageing. It can as little as 10 minutes a day. Read Here.  Which brings me to...

Are You a Procrastinator...I can be.

You will like this, I did. Read Rewire your brain to beat procrastination.

I hope you have enjoyed today's read, lots to think about. 

This week, I have been listening to a lot to Ragna Schirmer's album Handel: Keyboard Suites. It has become my go-to for background music. Listen Here. 

Quote, I am pondering: 

Spirituality is a fundamental part of human personhood. Everyone has a spirituality, whether they think of themselves as spiritual or not. The difference between people is how attentive they are to spiritual yearnings, how they respond to these yearnings, and whether or not their response is life-giving. ~ David G. Benner PhD

Take care of yourselves and have a wonderful weekend. 

With love from Prince Edward Island. 


Ps. An elderly woman called 911 on her cell phone to report her car was broken into. She was hysterical as she explained, "They stole the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal, even the accelerator!" A few minutes later the officer radioed in: "Disregard, she got into the back seat by mistake."




Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Kathleen Maclachlan - October 27, 2018

Some weeks I just don’t have/make the time to read every post. I am so glad that this wasn’t one of those weeks. What a terrific group of articles and thoughts. I was thankful for the influenza article as I am currently preparing a presentation on the local effects (Maine) of the 1918-1919 Epidemic for the local library where I work as the staff genealogist. And the article and commentary about Christianity was something I was interested in as pastor of our little church here on the coast of Maine – thanks for sharing. As for exercise – - yes, yes, and yes! Just a little bit helps! (former physical therapist now talking!) What an interesting article and an encouragement to those of all ages and abilities. Thank you, Bruce, for providing these moments of learning and thoughtfulness. Planning on PEI in 2019!!

Paula Mueda - October 27, 2018

Lots of interesting information in this blog. I loved the article about libraries – so many beautiful buildings. Surely these beautiful libraries welcome people to their doors, but if you love to read, even a small library (such as the British telephone booth) will suffice. Even though I’m becoming a little old lady myself, I loved the PS punch line in the final joke! Thank you for helping us to not take ourselves too seriously!

Linda M Lowther - October 27, 2018

Love your blogs and this one in particular, especially the libraries. Take my breath away!
Oh and get a flu shot. Love you too much to lose you!

Betty Plucinski - October 27, 2018

Hi Bruce, Your blog this week was over the edge in content. Wow. I, also, truly enjoyed seeing all the libraries around the world – especially the red phone booth from London. Surely classified as a “little library” – it just screams come look at my reading material. I live in a small town in update New York and we have a “little library” built in the wooded area of a park (Eagle Scout project from a few years ago) – I just love visiting it. Oh and one last comment – the poor little lady joke – cute!!

MURDOCK MORRISON - October 27, 2018

Boy have a got a lot to read and will enjoy my day as I read all of your catchy articles . Your comments on spirituality( D. Benner) were insightful as they do tell us who we are and who we want to be. Sunny day , cold but refreshing as I was out for a stroll as we are still at our beloved cottage in Cavendish. Thanks again Bruce and the background visuals are beautiful . Murdock

Bev Shapiro (Michigan) - October 27, 2018

Hi Bruce, WOW, a great newsy letter with lots of terrific info. I loved the library pics. So beautiful and interesting. I love libraries and reading too. It was so sad that the Nazis burned books. Clearly a heinous act.

I also enjoyed the flu vaccine article as I am a Public Health Nurse and have been giving a ton of flu shots. As we age our immune systems, along with a lot of other things, just don’t work as well. Our philosophy is to get a high dose (for those 65 and older) to help ’jump start" our immune system to assist in fighting it off; or if we do get the flu maybe have it be a milder case. As an RN, I have gotten the flu shot every year since I can remember. It is important for your readers to know the flu is a respiratory illness, not vomiting/diarrhea. That is just a GI virus causing that. Normally I would recommend anyone working with the public get a vaccination to protect themselves. I cannot do that for you as I am not familiar with the Canadian health system, nor your overall health. It is always good to discuss this with your Dr.
Have great and healthy winter.

Marylou - October 27, 2018

As always – very informative. Love reading your blog Bruce

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