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Jessica's Journey, El Nino and Getting Healthy

Jessica's Journey, El Nino and Getting Healthy

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island,

We are expecting one pile of rain and wind this weekend, and I hope everyone and everything is battened down.

On the weather front, I was reading this week in the local Guardian that we are to expect many snowstorms thanks to El Nino, this phenomenon occurs when the waters in the Pacific Ocean are warmer than usual. Weather aficionados can read more here.

A big weekend for those who are running to fill seats on a municipal council or mayoral seats on this coming Monday. Wishing all who run for the betterment of our Island community much success. Not all can win, but democracy loses if no one runs. Thank you for putting yourselves out there.

Speaking of winners, one of our seasonal staff members stories brought tears to while reading about her health & wellness journey. I am so proud to know Jessica and her spirit is just to the moon. Read her story here.

On the health & wellness front, I am still researching stories about the flu and whether to vaccine or not. (those of you who wrote and said that I should, thank  you.)

Earlier this year researchers from the University of Toronto published a study after examining over 20,000 patients who had tested positive for the flu. The study concluded risk of heart attacks increases 600 percent within a week of someone infected with influenza. WOW….read more here. (much closer now to getting the shot, which will be my first)

Takin’ Care of Business

We are still working on our Christmas offerings, but if you are inclined to start planning, I will give a heads up. We will be shipping cooked lobsters and fresh oysters within Canada this year. Details will be available soon. We have created a best sellers page as well as daily expanding Taste Prince Edward Island page. If you have any questions please hit reply and I will answer.

Wishing all a healthy weekend!

This week, for background music I was listening to: 

Lost Souls by Loreena McKennitt

A quote I am pondering this week. 

Knowledge is important, but only if we’re being kind and gentle with ourselves as we work to discover who we are. ~ Brene Brown

With Love from Prince Edward Island,



Tech: "Hello, this is tech support. What can I help you with today?"

User: (describes the problem)

Tech: (rattles off computer jargon)

User: "Sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain what I should do as if I were a small child?"

Tech: "Okay... 'Hi, could you please put your mommy on the phone?'"

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Terry Greenham - November 6, 2018

Enjoy your blog.
Is the picture on your header a field in St. Peter’s where someone rebuilt a church and converted it to a cottage?
I have friends there who we visit not far from the place.

Kaye Durant - November 3, 2018

Bruce,please get your flu shot! I am a retired nurse and every year the deaths from the flu are staggering! The flu vaccine is very available in the U.S. and hopefully where you live.Although,the results are not 100% positive,any protection you can get will be helpful. Good luck and by the way, the shot does not hurt nor leaves you with any side effects.

Pierre Bédard - November 3, 2018

Bravo à Jessica!

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