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Hope is Rising, We are Ready for Change, Society's Soul

Hope is Rising, We are Ready for Change, Society's Soul

I love mornings!

The photo above was captured by Katherine MacLaine, our friend and graphic designer/photographer and it got me to thinkin’...

The sunrise reminds me to wipe off yesterday’s residue and start again. It’s a new day, a new chance to get it right. But what is right?

Happiness is great but joy is a whole other world.

David Brooks, a NY Times op-ed writer recently gave a talk. The lies our culture tells us about what matters - and a better way to live. In this video, he opens up to his personal failings and shares his education with us.

A bit of the transcript from the video gives you an idea of what he had to share.

The message of the meritocracy is you are what you accomplish. The myth of the meritocracy is you can earn dignity by attaching yourself to prestigious brands. The emotion of the meritocracy is conditional love, you can "earn" your way to love. The anthropology of the meritocracy is you're not a soul to be purified, you're a set of skills to be maximized. - David Brooks

His most recent book, The Second Mountain poses an age-old question.

What’s the secret to living a joyful, meaningful and fulfilling life? He provides a provocative answer. One that rubs against the grain of present-day society. Reject individualism and the almost unrestricted personal freedom it promises. Embrace a life of service to others.

 By undermining our social connections, individualism causes a range of societal and personal problems, which many people try to overcome by pursuing material success and happiness. But this pursuit ultimately leads nowhere. The real road to fulfillment leads to a life of service to other people, which can be practiced through our vocations, marriages, religions and/or the tasks of community-building. - Liner notes

This thread all started when I saw Katherine's photo of the farmer on his tractor. I am imagining that he is in his glory, preparing the land for a crop. And planning to harvest a few months from now. Farmers are special. Bless their hearts for working hard to feed us, our families, and the community.

Since World War Two our food systems became industrialized. Which brought on the steady decline of family farms. These facts are real.

Hope is rising.

There is a renaissance happening. More and more people plan or are growing food for themselves and others.

Cooking schools are booming. Community cooking classes are popular.  

We all play a part in restoring our society’s soul.

Get ourselves closer to the land and knowing those who grow our food is the first step.

You cannot ignore the benefits of cooking at home either.

To sit around the table and share a meal together is special. I wish I had spent more time honouring this. Going forward I will be more intentional.

A University of Montreal study found children who routinely eat their meals together with their family are more likely to experience long-term physical and mental health benefits.

Micheal Pollan has been writing books and articles for thirty years. His passion is about the places where nature and culture intersect. Our plates, in our farms and gardens, and in our minds.

Below is a short video speaking to some of the benefits of cooking at home.

Do you like to cook? What is your favourite dish to prepare?

Today and a lot this week I have been listening to:

Thank you for taking the time to be with me today.

I truly hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead.

With Love from Prince Edward Island!
An 8-year-old girl went to the office with her father on 'Take your child to work day'.
As they walked around the office she started crying and getting cranky.
Her father asked what was wrong.

As the staff gathered round she sobbed loudly, "Daddy, where are all the clowns you said you worked with?"

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Lana - June 12, 2019

Hi Bruce, Great TED talk. Thanks for sharing this.

Miles Fujiwara - June 8, 2019

Hi Bruce!
Thank you for this week’s blog! My wife and I look forward to reading your thoughts every week… And of course your closing joke always brings smiles to our faces.

Susan E. Elliott-Johns - June 8, 2019

Welcome Back, Bruce!
I trust today’s Blog means you’re well again and “rarin’ to go”! Thanks, as always, for the Saturday morning digest of thoughts and inspiration in words, images, and music. Have a wonderful day!

Peter Kerr - June 8, 2019

I love reading your weekly bits of inspiration, but I have to say that your ps today gave me a hearty laugh. Thanks for that – laughter is, after all, the best medicine. I hope you have a great week ahead and will no doubt see you out and about in New Glasgow.

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