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Hope, Bill Gates, David Suzuki, and Sounds of Silence

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island, 

It has been quite a week in the world, and I hope this finds you and yours well. 

As much as I tried today, it is hard not to write about what is going on. It is overwhelming to try and read it all that is being written or spoken. 

Many paywall journalistic sites have created free access to their Covid 19 reporting. If you haven't had enough and want more, here are three I pay attention to: 

MIT Technology Review, Coronavirus News 

NYTimes The Coronavirus Outbreak

The Scientist, Vaccine News, Articles

This blog, I would like to focus on something else. 


Earlier this week, my family and I went for a drive and a change of scenery. We wanted to make sure everything was ok with The Respite Cottage. I captured this photo from the cottage deck, and it got me thinking. 

Beneath the cover of snow is life. Resting plants, little seeds all waiting for their fill of nurturing sunshine. 

In nature and life, seasons come and go. The sun comes up, and the sun goes down every day. 

Here is a photo of the sunrise from an early morning walk earlier this week at Rustico Harbour.


Here is a photo of sunset; I captured it with my phone camera a couple of days ago while overlooking the Gardens of Hope and River Clyde. 

Corinthians 13:13 is read many times during wedding ceremonies. It shares that there are three gifts common for all: faith, hope, and love, but that the greatest of these is love. 

Hope speaks of tomorrow. Faith speaks of the now and love is the light needed to make everything/everyone to grow and be healthy.

Rather than be anxious and spinning mental wheels about tomorrow, reach out and speak into the hearts of those who make your love list today. Plant some seeds of hope. 

Some have no idea of what real hope is. We are too busy chasing the end of rainbows. Opposite ends being tomorrow's "success" or ruminating on yesterday's failures. I celebrate Easter. 

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." ~ Abraham Lincoln

My hope is for your good health. My hope is for your friends and family to be safe, and hope for your security. 

People filled with hope are happy, optimistic and full of courage. Hope is the cousin of faith. Having hope & faith makes for better living than anxiety and worry. 

Don't feed the anxiety. 

Instead, list all that you are grateful for. I have made this an early morning habit. And again, I make a shortlist of the good that came out of the day before lights out. I try and sleep on the positive. My habits are to write it on DayOne. I have attempted to on paper, but I can't seem to do it consistently. 

"If you are proactive, you don't have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own." ~ Stephen R. Covey

This morning, I read an opinion by David Suzuki. He is a Canadian academic, science broadcaster and environmental activist. This may be an opportunity to transform the way we live.

I also read fantastic stories this past week of Prince Edward Island school teachers showing beautiful acts of solidarity with their students. Rhonda Godfrey, an Eliot River Elementary School teacher, makes 24 snowmen to show class she misses them. Story here

Here is an informative interview with Bill Gates from earlier this week. How we must deal with the coronavirus, thank you TED Talks. Great minds are working on this. 


While at home, I am trying to: 

  • Rest and restore my energy 
  • Eat simple and healthy foods. (with fewer sweets, not going well LOL)
  • Listen to soothing music.
  • Drink lots of water and tea. 
  • Spend daily spiritual time reading material that comforts and nurtures me.  

As I write this, I am thinking of YOU. And my thoughts and prayers are with YOU. 

While outside, we are to keep our social distance, but on the inside, we can be very close. We don't have to distance ourselves at all. We can stay close and loving. 

Let's pray for a pandemic-free, panic-free world. I have hope for that, and faith that will come to pass, and our world will not be the same. I desire to see more empathy, peace and understanding, and of course, love. 

Today, I have been listening to Yo-Yo Ma Cello Suiten No. 1,5 & 6

With love from Prince Edward Island,

Bruce & Millie

(she got tired of me saying, just two more minutes while writing this blog)

ps. For something a little fun, a friend,  Andy McCann, has put some Irish humour to the Sounds of Silence. 

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Peter Kerr - March 28, 2020

I send my love to you and all my dear friends on the Island. I came really close to a visit but everything shut down while I was visiting family in Nova Scotia. Sadly, I had to motor right on by the PEI turnoff on the Trans Canada. Spring will come, this trial will end, and I can’t wait for my first visit to the Preserve Co. There is always a gem – or several – in your blogs and Mary and I love this one: “Worry is a misuse of the imagination.” Many thanks for that and we hope to see you ere long.

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