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Happy Rivers + Teeth Falling Out + All My Money

Happy Rivers + Teeth Falling Out + All My Money

Good Morning from Warren Grove, Prince Edward Island 

It’s the first day of Canada's 155th year. 

I am writing from an area of the world where the 16th-century European governments took the land from the Indigenous peoples. 

The eastern woodland areas of what became Canada were home to the Algonquian and Iroquoian peoples. The Algonquian language is believed to have originated in the western plateau of Idaho or the plains of Montana and moved with migrants eastward, eventually extending in various manifestations from Hudson Bay to what is today the Maritimes in the east and as far south as the Tidewater region of Virginia.

Speakers of eastern Algonquian languages included the Mi'kmaq and Abenaki of the Maritime region of Canada and likely the extinct Beothuk of Newfoundland.

All levels of government, through various departments, education and media, are doing their best with better to come in bringing our dark history into the light of day and are doing what is required to right the wrongs for all concerned. 

"Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward." ~ Nelson Mandela

I pulled on this thread after reading the CBC story about how one community on Prince Edward Island is giving back to nature what has been taken for generations. 

Thanks to Jessica Doria-Brown for this story about how the Abegweit First Nation is working toward releasing their second million of hopefully millions more of brook trout and salmon. 

"To the naked eye, our oceans are beautiful. But scientists tell us that all of the world's fisheries will collapse by 2048 unless we change how we manage them. Help protect our oceans so the next generation can also enjoy their bounty." ~ Ted Danson

Their fish hatchery is celebrating a significant milestone: it has released more than one million fish into Island streams. Thank you goes to all those involved, and we applaud your desire to make the world a better place.

Since 2012, the facility on the reserve at Scotchfort has been raising Indigenous fish species like salmon and brook trout. Those juvenile fish are then released to support the recreational fishery — or replenish streams affected by fish kills. 

The milestone means a lot for Todd Knockwood, assistant manager for the Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery.

"We, really, really are extremely happy that we have over a million fish released here on Prince Edward Island," he said.

"We love that we got to rebuild the stocks that everybody's been taking, and we've been taking, to replenish Mother Earth." Read More Here. 

One Can Dream

Where dreams come from is still a mystery, but some are more common than others.

Dream interpretations date back as far as 3000 B.C, and even the Bible has over seven hundred references to dreams. So a group of interested social scientists researched the most Googled dreams in the world. And below is a visual map to give you an idea of how common our dreams are. 

If the map is too hard to read, take a peak at it here.

He Had a Dream

I don’t think there would be too many people who would disagree with me when I say Tom Hanks is one of the world's favourite actors. He had a dream and, as a seventeen-year-old, wrote a letter to a recent Academy Award winner. 

Five years after directing the widely adored Western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, in 1974, American filmmaker George Roy Hill received an Academy Award for the film. Later that year, as the dust settled, Hill received an enthusiastic letter from a 17-year-old aspiring actor keen to break into Hollywood. His name was Thomas Hanks.

Here is the letter read by another great actor, Benedict Cumberbatch.

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you,

too, can become great." – Mark Twain

This morning, I listened to Spotify's playlist, Not Quite Classical. 

When I finished writing I got up and wiggled and giggled to get the day moving. 

I wish you a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead, friends. 

"I argue that the most powerful thing you can do to add healthy years is to curate your immediate social network. In general, you want friends with whom you can have a meaningful conversation. You can call them on a bad day, and they will care. Your group of friends are better than any drug or anti-aging supplement and will do more for you than just about anything."

~ Longevity researcher Dan Buettner

With love from Prince Edward Island.

Take care of yourself. 

Bruce + Millie

ps. Your Morning Smile

The old lady handed her bank card to a bank teller and said, “I would like to withdraw $10

The teller told her, “For withdrawals less than $100, please use the ATM.”

The old lady wanted to know why ….

The teller returned her bank card and irritably told her, “These are the rules. Please leave if there is no other matter. There is a line of customers behind you.”

The old lady remained silent for a few seconds, then handed the card back to the teller and said, “Please help me withdraw all the money I have.”

The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned down and respectfully told her, you have $300,000 in your account, but the bank doesn't have that much cash on hand. 

Could you make an appointment and come again tomorrow?

The old lady then asked how much she could withdraw immediately.

The teller told her any amount up to $3000

"Well, please let me have $3000 now, please and thank you", The teller then handed it very friendly and respectfully to her. 

The old lady put $10 in her purse and asked the teller to please deposit $2990 back into her account.

The moral of this tale is: 

Don't be difficult with older people. They spent a lifetime learning the skills. 

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Next article Hero in a Turban + Old Friends + Therapy Session


Bonnie Arnold - July 3, 2022

I so enjoy your blogs, Bruce.
Informative, insightful and funny.
Thank you and keep them coming.

Jack & Lillian Paul - July 3, 2022

Thank you Bruce for the Tom Hanks story… I love his positivity

Lynn - July 2, 2022

Great blog as usual Bruce. I have to admit the best parts for me were the letter from Tom Hanks — pretty gutsy — and the joke. Maybe I just needed to laugh today.

kay - July 2, 2022

Thank you for your informative blog & always interesting. Loved the story of Tom Hanks & his letter. Also the story of the bank teller & the older lady.

Valarie LaBore - July 2, 2022

Tom Hanks is also one of my favorite actors, and I’ll watch anything he’s in. So I enjoyed listening to his letter, and I too listened to a few more afterwards on their youtube channel.
Loved the bank teller story!

Bernice - July 2, 2022

What a great read on Canada Day weekend!
You just keep getting better and better!
Bravo again!
Bernice Turner

Christine Lyall - July 2, 2022

Thank you again Bruce for a very interesting Blog. The story of the Indigenous people are replenishing the fish back to the Streams. was so informative. I always have dreams and wonder why. My favorite music piece was The Garden by Doug Kaufmam. You have wonderful taste in music, albeit it varied. Loved the little old lady Joke. She handled it well.
The Gardem of Hope must be looking beautiful right now.

Suzi - July 2, 2022

Oh Bruce, another home run! I kept pausing to send some of the quotes to a friend of mine, then ended up sending him the whole blog.
I loved the Tom Hanks letter. A favorite actor of mine. What ambition! And I too listened to several other letters. Eavesdropping? Nah!
Also enjoyed the article about dreams! Most of my dreams, I’m trying to get home. As I have grown older, I realized, home, is heaven! And I have had a few dreams from God the Father: Warning of a not so good friendship my daughter was involved in. Another before my daughter’s dad wanted out of the union, I dreamt that he had died. In my dream, I was the only one who wept for him. Death of a marriage. Before my beloved got sick, I had a bad dream, and my sweetie wrapped his arms around me, and I was able to drift back into beautiful slumber. Weeks later, he is in the cancer battle. These dreams prepare my heart, and I find them to be a gift HE has given to me!
And the funny, one of the best! Good Customer service is so important!
Thank you Bruce for your many blessings!
P.S. Hey, I think I signed up, twice for the Sunday edition, and I have not gotten them yet! I’m not complaining, just making observation. Have a beautiful day!

Donovan WHitty judy - July 2, 2022

Inspiring as usual Bruce and I love the sharing re the Indigenous effort re conservation etc. – all so interesting/inspiring! Keep up the good work! very best, judy in Ch’town PE

Barb Hoyle Werner - July 2, 2022

It is actually Canada’s 155th birthday, not 151.

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