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First Sounds of the Morning, Anxiety is Adaptive, Loose Fitting

First Sounds of the Morning, Anxiety is Adaptive, Loose Fitting

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island,
Cuppa time...

Last week’s blog, I mentioned that every once in a while I need to put a cup of white vinegar in the kettle to remove the build-up of minerals (limescale) at the bottom of the kettle. Well, Althea one of the blog readers also said, “Hello, Bruce. Just FYI: put baking soda down kitchen and bathroom drains; followed by the boiled vinegar from cleaning the kettle; wait till bubbling stops, then run hot water tap for couple seconds. Voila! cleaned/cleared drains.”

Thank you, Althea, and thank you goes out to all who take the time to comment on the blog. I appreciate the encouragement.
I also mentioned my desire to “change the channel” sort of speak and read and or listen to less news. I did ok, but more change is needed.
Since starting to blog three years ago, I found the best way for me to know what to write, is to make a request to the heavens the night before on what it is to be. When I awake, I follow and it flows.
What am I supposed to write about today?
The first sound I heard this morning, was the cooing of a pair of doves. I give thanks for that, move my feet to the floor and the morning begins.
The peacefulness of that sound reminded me of my need to retreat.
Lately, the anxiety of the times has taken a toll on my ability to concentrate for any length of time. So I am now on a journey looking at all my habits. With an eye on questioning the value of each and score them according to which ones bring me closer to peace of mind.
Psychology Today, July 2020 Grief issue posted an article I appreciated reading. Repairing the Toll of Uncertainty, a time of high anxiety demands measures to fortify the nervous system.
“If anxiety thrives on uncertainty, then 2020 has already captured the title of the Year of Anxiety. Almost everyone on earth is in uncharted territory. Not only is the coronavirus novel, but so is the experience of global quarantine of unknown duration to prevent the spread of a bug that infects and kills with a greater degree of caprice than science has so far been able to keep up with.
A certain amount of anxiety is adaptive—in this case, a prudent prod to taking and maintaining self-protective measures indoors and out. But the scale of the pandemic wrought so many changes so suddenly that health worries about oneself and loved ones have an excess of company. There’s angst about jobs and the economy, the availability and deployment of needed resources at every level of functioning, the education and advancement of our children, what life after will look like, and the governance of the country in an election year.
Uninterrupted, anxiety has a way of feeding on itself. Rumination about the unknown not only consumes inordinate amounts of time, it also breeds expectations of catastrophe." Read the full article here.
I use a digital app, called, Todoist to help keep my “to-do” list. I also jot down ideas in the app that pop-in my brain to consider at a later date.
They have a blog, Ambition & Balance where I enjoyed an article from it this week. “What to Do When You are Mentally Exhausted,” Why your brain feels tired and what you can do about it.
“Mental fatigue can be acute or chronic. Acute fatigue is short-lived and is relieved after a brief period of rest. Most of us experience acute fatigue during an afternoon slump or at the end of a, particularly hectic day. Acute fatigue is normal.
However, if left unaddressed, acute fatigue can snowball into chronic fatigue and ultimately lead to burnout. Identify the root causes of your mental fatigue and take proactive steps to manage it early on.” Read More here.
On Being with Krista Tippet is a podcast I enjoy very much. I listened to a conversation she had with John O’Donahue and I found it to ground my thinking into going only where I can go.
“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” —Hermann Hesse
John O’Donohue’s voice and writings continue to bring ancient mystical wisdom to modern confusions and longings.
The interview starts with John stating, “Beauty isn’t all about just nice loveliness, like. Beauty is about more rounded, substantial becoming. So I think beauty, in that sense, is about an emerging fullness, a greater sense of grace and elegance, a deeper sense of depth, and also a kind of homecoming for the enriched memory of your unfolding life.” Read the transcript and/or listen to the podcast here.
Looking at habits is one thing, but taking the time to listen to the still small voice is one habit I need to take more time for.
Which brings me back to the “doves cooing” this morning. Were they “love birds” sending me a message? I’d like to think so.
Another blog reader sent me 45 Funny Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up Canada. Take a peek here. Thank you, Ron. Some of these totally cracked me up.

This week on and off I have been listening to “Japanese Garden.” If you like nature sounds, this site is unreal. Try it out. Amazing really.

And if you are thinking that you are experiencing hearing loss, as I am, the same developer created an online hearing test. Again, amazing. Test here.

This morning, I have been listening to Canadian guitarist Jeffery McFadden’s new album. J.S. Bach: Cello Suites, Vol. 1 (Arr. J. McFadden for Guitar) Editors Notes: The guitarist’s stylish, lively approach to Nos. 1-3 is superbly recorded. Preview here. 
Ponder-ism: Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Well, heading out the door to play catch with Millie. I started training her to catch the tennis ball last evening. It was exciting this morning to see her “light up” when I asked her if she wanted to play catch. So, I can’t tease her any longer, time to play catch.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend.
Take care of each other.
“Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant. Lean toward the whispers of your own heart, discover the universal truth, and follow its dictates… Release the need to hate, to harbour division, and the enticement of revenge. Release all bitterness. Hold only love, only peace in your heart, knowing that the battle of good to overcome evil is already won. Choose confrontation wisely, but when it is your time don’t be afraid to stand up, speak up, and speak out against injustice. And if you follow your truth down the road to peace and the affirmation of love, if you shine like a beacon for all to see, then the poetry of all the great dreamers and philosophers is yours to manifest in a nation, a world community, and a beloved community that is finally at peace with itself. ~ RIP John Lewis February 21, 1940–July 17, 2020
With love from Prince Edward Island,
Bruce & Millie
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing...
If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place!
Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Linda - July 27, 2020

My first time reading your enjoyable blog. Loved the 45 Photos of Canadians being themselves. Here in Minnesota we stand in awe of Canada Nice. Wouldn’t that be the best export to America ever?!

Peggy Freeman - July 26, 2020

Bruce, I always look with delight when I check my emails and find another of your blogs! It has always helped me come to grips with a lot of chaotic experiences happening in my country. Your blog was especially fitting today as I find myself very anxious about the future of my children and grandchildren. I am scared and uncertain and every day I pray to God to bring peace to our nation. Your words were so calming for me and I just wanted to say thank you. I look forward to your next blog. Have a wonderful day!

althea - July 25, 2020

Hallo there, Bruce; an almost perfect (nothing is perfect) blog, touching on all that is going on. I am aware I am not as patient and have to watch myself both in public and private. Want to clarify the age-old use of vinegar for many household-cleaning purposes: not necessary to boil the vinegar to clear drains; however, one might as well use the vinegar after cleaning the kettle….sort of killing two birds with one stone. And re hearing aids – was thrilled to find out they are covered, at least in BC, in house insurance. Lots to learn in and from your blogs. Thank you.

colette lawson - July 26, 2020

Hi was wondering if you have ever heard of Michael Tomlinson, a very beautiful singer , but also someone who does breathing excersises, and zoom classes. he is local to the pacific north west, i think you will like, check it out.

BlueJay Cottage - July 25, 2020

Thank you Bruce for this column, there is much to ponder and adopt into my current life situation. Looking forward to exploring the links. We have had to close a BlueJay this year and as we are located in Ontario the Island is off limits for us as well as our many guests. God Bless our fantastic PEI friends for their support at this time. In addition to the stress of Covid ( I am a frontline hospital health care professional due to retire later this year:)we are also dealing with a personal family challenge. As a collective and as individuals we need to have hope for the future, love & compassion for each other and faith that we will move forward and put this incredible time of stress, anxiety and fear behind us. Keep safe and enjoy your Millie.

Tati - July 25, 2020

Thank you! I loved this blog, I look forward to it each Saturday morning, and it so often resets my compass…just as the island does each year. How we miss it this year, and picking up and discovering different tea at your beautiful resteraunt, and walking through the Gardens of Hope. This summer I am missing the peach green sencha tea, luckily family members to pick it up for us! I loved the link to nature sounds and the McFadden’s cello, thank you!

Marcia Scott - July 25, 2020

Thanks for addressing the subject of stress. It is much needed.

Julie MacKenzie - July 25, 2020

Thanks for sharing the 45 Funny Pictures that Perfectly Sum Up Canada. I shared that on my page…awesome! :)

Karen and Roger Wightman - July 25, 2020

Well said Bruce!! Have a blessed day!!

Murdock Morrison - July 25, 2020

Enjoyed your blog as it dealt in parts with the stress that we all experience with covid19 and especially the anxiety that it creates. How to deal with it is more important than we normally would do in a non covid world but it takes time and lots of patience. Will certainly check back with your apps as they sound to be fun and will look at the Funnies (45) that your blogger sent to you, Definitely will have to try the hearing online test as that is a problem I have to address sooner than later. Have a safe and healthy week. Murdock

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