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Clouds, From Cambridge to Rome, and Afternoon Tea

Clouds, From Cambridge to Rome, and Afternoon Tea

Do you hear the thirsty Prince Edward Island soil, slurping up every last drop of rain that fell from the skies earlier this week? 

We desperately needed that rain, and we need more, but we are all grateful for every single drop. Being an Island surrounded by salt water, our water system is dependent on the rainfall and snowfall to replenish our water aquifers.  And we give thanks for all that is provided.

Our visitors seem to be enjoying the warm weather we’ve had during the later parts of July. Many, travelling from the southern United States, are appreciating the temperatures here which, though high for Islanders, is quite comfortable for those used to much hotter climates.

I am grateful that we have four seasons, though to be honest, I do wish our spring would be a wee bit more pleasant.

With this hot and humid weather comes a thirst for cold drinks, straws and ice. 

A journey we are on at work is the try and remove plastic from our operation, not an easy task but a worthwhile one. We have succeeded with the easy one of plastic straws. 

You may find this article on the health dangers of plastic straws an interesting one by the Washington Post, click here

Now on the ice side of this conversation, if you like trivia, you might enjoy this ice cube obsession story in Quartz, click here.

We heard wonderful comments from our guests this year and based on the words shared they love the staff, the gardens, the butterfly house and the products. What more can one ask?

Our professional success is not measured strictly in dollars and cents, but when visitors share the joy that our place brings to them, we feel successful.  

When we started with four staff 30 years ago in New Glasgow, we had no idea that we would grow to 90 people here helping us. Fair to say there have been lots of blood, sweat and tears in the making of this.

I am not the same character who started the business and there are many to thank for that, but coming to the realization that there is a God and I am not it is probably the biggest one I am grateful for. That's personal success. 

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience and trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ~ Helen Keller, first deaf-blind person to earn a college degree, author and activist.

We are getting close to have our afternoon tea menu complete and will begin serving afternoon tea Tuesdays and Thursdays in our private room, “The Teahouse.” We will announce its official start soon.

Our gluten free kitchen will soon be ready and we will offer to bake safe and secure gluten-free items for those whose needs are such.

We opened our Garden Theatre Cafe this past week, we learned a lot, and by working out a few more kinks, we will have another spot on the property to enjoy a meal.

Two things are happening while I write this to you this morning, one is the clouds, and the other is the music. 

I share a photo of the clouds I took from the deck when I sat down to write this morning at 6:30 am. 

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ~ John Lubbock

The music I listened to today while writing, is a classical and choral album called Tecchlers Cello: From Cambridge to Rome

Sample listen here.

I enjoy listening to this genre of music when I need to think and do. 

I think the cello is the instrument designed to stir our soul.

What kind of music do you enjoy and why? I'd love to know. Please comment. 

Here is a video about the album by Guy Johnson, the one responsible for this album. 


Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Nan - August 4, 2018

I love piano music but after listening to the sample link and the video, I am going to have to add Cello to my writing time. Actually, I just need to go buy the album because what I heard sold me. I like listening to piano with rain and thunder sounds in the background, too! Those darkish clouds are just gorgeous. You have “almost” convinced me that I need to embrace sunrise and quit wasting the most precious part of the day sleeping in!

Bev - July 30, 2018

Can you recommend a travel agent to work with that would be knowledgeable to plan a trip to PEI? I live in Michigan and it is just too long of a drive. I will appreciate any guidance. Thank you in advance.
Bev Shapiro

Elizabeth A. Morgan MORGAN - July 28, 2018

Music, aaah…if only! The songs so seldom heard these days that stir memories in me are the songs and music of my high school days. Particularly the last dance songs of the proms when I would be held so gently by my partner and slow danced to the music which was generally dragged out until we were ready to leave! One that I treasure in my heart was the last one when I wore an Alice Blue gown and was in the arms of a boyfriend dancing to Blue Moon. He was a gentle soul who earned a pilot’s license and the day his uniform arrived for the airline where he was newly employed, was the day his plane went down over Quebec. His body was not found for a year. I have one tiny picture of him which I took and it was the last time I saw him. He was beautiful.

Janet Dickie - July 28, 2018

Thank you Bruce- I always look forward to reading your posts and the cello music was lovely-I must thank you again for allowing my niece and family the reprieve away at your cottage last week-they had another wonderful week of making memories-I unfortunately could not escape to join them-music—mmm- I LOVE to listen to music sountraks(I have many- a fav is :A River runs through it")— there is not a day I am not accompanied by Third Day on my way to work or many other contemporary Christian artists—thanks again

Pierre Bédard - July 28, 2018

NON aux pailles de plastique! / NO to plastic straws!

Bill & Jane Martin - July 28, 2018

We are “fellow travellers”. Listening to King’s College Chapel Choir sing ANYTHING, makes us think we’re in Heaven. Part of the reason for our trip to Britain was to attend Evensong at King’s & we did – & sat right with the choir. Sheer exhilaration!
Thank you for this Bruce.
See you in September!

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