Christmas Day on Planet Earth, President H.W. Bush, Michael W. Smith
Season's Greeting from Prince Edward Island,
Where ever you are, I hope you had a good week.
Today's blog has been influenced by musicians.
The great musicians are those who can reach people, who can make people feel something. Sam Rivers
I saw a few news clips of President H.W. Bush funeral this past week, I remember him as a gracious and civil man. It was a breath of fresh media air to listen to the honour bestowed him.
As citizens, we have to be more thoughtful and more educated and more informed. I turn on the TV and I see these grown people screaming at each other, and I think, well, if we don't get our civility back, we're in trouble. Emmylou Harris
Micheal W. Smith, a musician and friend of the Presidents, was performing a song that his wife Debbie Smith had written years ago in honour of someone leaving town.
President Bush had requested “Friends,” his favourite song of Michael’s, for his funeral and Michael performed it with the Armed Forces Chorus, the National Cathedral Choir, and the United States Marine Orchestra.
Seeing this on television, reminded me of the summer of 2012...
I had never heard of Micheal W. Smith before, but here was this “guy” in our dining room with 100 of his fans off the cruise ship to enjoy lobster.
As I walked through the dining room, a gentleman spoke and said, “nice kilt.” I stopped to say, “thank you, my name is Bruce MacNaughton, welcome to our place.” He said, "I’m Micheal Smith, nice to meet you.” I bid him a “enjoy your meal” and strolled on.
While in the office, I mentioned that I had just met Micheal Smith, who was in the dining room with 100 of his fans. I asked Judy, “who is he?” Have you heard of him?” Near knocking me over while she propelled out the office emphatically stating, “MICHEAL SMITH, the Christian songwriter, in our DINING ROOM!”
You see Judy, was the music leader at the local church where her husband, Barry was the pastor. I'm sure she had listened to and performed a number of his worship songs over the years.
Following Judy at a little slower pace to the dining room, had me arrive in time to hear her thanking him for all that he had done for Christian music.
A crazy idea of getting him to try on a kilt entered my brain. I happened to have an extra, so why not!
Unfortunately, the photos are not of the best quality. He was a great sport.
And I remember the dining room exploded rambunctiously with laughter.
I gave him the kilt as a memento, to which he was very grateful. Michael mentioned he would wear it during his evenings' performance on the ship.
This week, our friend Lennie Gallant released a video, Christmas Day on Planet Earth that he recorded with a Zimbabwe band, Black Umfolosi, one day this past July.
The band were performing on Prince Edward Island and it was suggested that perhaps they could sing a song with him. Lennie wrote a song, Christmas Day on Planet Earth with the singers in mind.
The song uses the original Christmas nativity story of the desperate couple looking for lodging for their baby to be born, set against the present day situation of refugees and homeless people in need of shelter. ‘Christmas is a time for giving and opening hearts, and that should be what the season is all about’, says Gallant.
For those of you reading this and don’t know Lennie, he is one of the most award-winning musicians in Canada. Not a mainstream radio regular, but a singer/songwriter/storyteller par excellence and hard to find better.
Hope you enjoyed the video.
Taking care of business. There is still time to order from us and receive in time for the holidays and we are taking orders for our Raspberry Pie. Sorry folks, pick up only. Order here.
This week, the music I listened to the most and while I wrote this blog was an album by Ivan Ilić, who is a sensitive, thoughtful and conscientious pianist.
Take a Listen Here to Reicha Rediscovered Vol. 2.
Have a great week ahead.
With love from Prince Edward Island,
What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
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