But for The Kindness of a Stranger + How Can We? + Who Wants to Grow Children?
Good Morning from Warren Grove, Prince Edward Island
Thank you for letting me into your world today. I hope you had a nice week.
Time for a cuppa?
Hard to believe it is January 30th. Time, where does it, go?
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. ~ William Penn
One of our blog readers suggested I read The Invisible Thread. Earlier this week, I was intrigued enough to stop reading Principles by Ray Dalio and find the suggested book. I found it, took possession (for now) and completed reading it late last evening. Hence the late blog today. Sorry.
From the Indigo website describing The Invisible Thread...
This inspirational New York Times bestseller chronicles the lifelong friendship between a busy sales executive and a disadvantaged young boy, and how both of their lives were changed by what began as one small gesture of kindness. “A straightforward tale of kindness and paying it forward in 1980s New York….an uplifting reminder that small gestures matter” (Kirkus Reviews).
Stopping was never part of the plan...
She was a successful ad sales rep in Manhattan. He was a homeless, eleven-year-old panhandler on the street. He asked for spare change; she kept walking. But then something stopped her in her tracks, and she went back. And she continued to go back, again and again. They met up nearly every week for years and built an unexpected, life-changing friendship that has today spanned almost three decades.
Whatever made me notice him on that street corner so many years ago is clearly something that cannot be extinguished, no matter how relentless the forces aligned against it. Some may call it spirit. Some may call it heart. It drew me to him, as if we were bound by some invisible, unbreakable thread. And whatever it is, it binds us still.
In trying to determine how this book affected me, I realized it hit close to home for me. Reading about the author’s not so pretty upbringing was a journey through memory lane. But it was redemptive as well. She forged on in creating a ‘successful’ life for herself. Her actions helping another from a world more dysfunctional from the one she knew well is commendable. Her kindness and commitment with a capital C is celebrated. I found the book engaging. Knowing life has its twists and turns, I found myself hoping and rooting for the two of them. Spoiler Alert Below.
As adults, we are all free to live our lives in accordance with our own principles, but so often people judge each other for what is ultimately a difference in values. Rather than criticizing others for having different values, focus your energy on honouring yours. ~ Dominique Bertolucci
Each one of us could be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.
With our individual actions, we can make this world a better place.
Even something as fun as this.
Studies have proven when we give to others it activates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. Altruistic behaviour releases endorphins in the brain and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help.
Physiologically, kindness can change your brain for the better. Being kind boosts serotonin and dopamine. The neurotransmitters in the brain that give you feelings of satisfaction and well-being. And cause the pleasure/reward centers in your brain to light up. Endorphins, your body’s natural pain killer, are released as well. Read ‘The Art of Kindness’ on the Mayo Clinic Health Blog
Time is the wisest of all things that are, for it brings everything to light.
~ Thales
What will I do with my time?
Live together, love forever, it is the only thing we can do!
Before I go, let’s groove and do the shuffle together.
I am so grateful to our customers. Their support over the many years is enabling us to weather this Covid storm financially. In anticipation of continued lockdowns has us planning for a future that looks different than the past.
Currently, we are working on creating three or four unique newsletters. I recognize four a week will be too many for some people. But each newsletter will have an area of interest and or passion for me. In sharing I hope each newsletter finds its audience.
To be honest, I will need your help in finding more readers. Once we are ready, I will share how you can.
Take care of each other and have a wonderful weekend.
With Love from Prince Edward Island,
Bruce & Millie
ps. Your Morning Smile
Mother: Now, Little Johnny, eat your spinach. It’s good for growing children.
Little Johnny: Who wants to grow children?
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