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Brain on Music, Maternal Bonds, and Important Rituals

Brain on Music, Maternal Bonds, and Important Rituals

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island,

Standing on our front deck, at 7 a.m. I managed to capture this photograph with my phone camera.

Something tells me we are in a long winter, but...

If beauty continually reveals itself, then nothing will be long, it will all be too short.


Today is National Adoption Day in the United States. Check out facts and figures, here. 

Locally, on the Island, there has been a lot of news regarding the opening of adoption records, and to this, the province has agreed to open the files to those seeking to connect, though the birth mother or adult child can veto the request to meet.

Families don't have to match. You don't have to look like someone else to love them. ~ Leigh Anne Tuohy

Wishing not to wade into the debate. I certainly can’t speak for the mothers seeking the whereabouts of her child but I can speak as an adopted person.

I understand first hand the sense of feeling like you don’t belong, and there can be an ache. As this report suggests, Psychological Issues Faced By Adopted Children And Adults

Perhaps because the maternal bonds broken at the mothers moment of decision, or perhaps of the new family experience contributed to the sense of belonging or not.

We must understand and recognize it may well not have been a decision made by the mother, it may have been families succumbing to societal or religious pressures of the day, it could have been medical, financial or many other reasons. 

If the veto works against you as an adoptee might I suggest giving thanks for the Mother who chose to provide you with life? 

I am so grateful for the chance at life and very appreciative for my birth mother who may have made alternative decisions that would not have allowed this heart of mine to beat.

Life is complicated at times, and I find it best to find peace of mind through gratitude and forgiveness and...


Our American cousins are busy preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, and there are lots to be thankful about. 

My wish is for the political rhetoric that is affecting life in the communities of the world will be put aside around the table and in the home to enjoy the fact that nothing should be taken for granted. 

Regardless of one's bias, all we have is each other.

The American Psychological Association reviewed 50 years of research and concluded that family routine and rituals are critical to the health and well being of families more than ever as they try to meet the increasing demands of juggling work and home. Rituals and traditions have become more, not less, of the rock that offers us stability and reassurance in more frenetic, demanding and stressful times. They create a much-needed sense in today’s increasingly isolated world of togetherness and belonging.


Those of you who have been following my blog know that I love music, I am growing especially fond of classical music. As I write today, I have been listening to Hilary Hahn. 

The music of J.S. Bach has long sat at the centre of Hilary Hahn’s repertoire. As for many musicians, it exerts a fascination, both intellectual and emotional, that inspires playing of very appealing elegance and insight. At times it feels as if she’s playing just for you, so enjoy the best seat in the house for three masterpieces for the solo violin.

Listen here

I struggled for many years unable to read books.

My own theories were enhanced this week whilst reading neuroscience found a clear relationship between music and language acquisition. Learning music in the early years of schooling can help children learn to read. If you wish to read more, do so here or at least watch this short video on music research. 

Music education was not an option for us at school or at home.

Never too late...

Not classical music in the truest sense, but I have always enjoyed the harmonica sound and have attempted to play it from time to time. So to expand my brain, I am 80% committed to going to Jam Camp here in late April to learn how to.  

Taking care of business...

Our hardworking staff are busy doing work they are proud of for people we care about.

Check out our Taste PEI options, where you can add a wide range of Island quality food producers to gift boxes to be shipped and or our best sellers. Next week will be offering to ship live or cooked lobster and fresh oysters within Canada. 

Before signing off, I do hope this finds you well and able to enjoy the weekend.

To our Amercian cousins, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day and week ahead.

With love from Prince Edward Island,


ps. We have two very smart daughters. 

“Daddy, I inherited my intelligence from you, didn’t I?”

“That’s right my clever girl!”

“That makes sense because mommy still has hers.”

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Joyce Simpson - November 17, 2018

Awesome photo. Great read as always.
Thank you, Bruce.

Robert Griffin - November 17, 2018

2018 saw my son and daughter-in-law adopt three children they had been “foster parents” to for 1106 days. I gained three more grandchildren . . . and those three children gained more than we will ever know.

I give a shout-out “Thank You” to you for your weekly blog. Does my old heart good to see the world thru your eyes.

Carol-Ann Finlan - November 17, 2018

A very heartwarming article regarding adoption.

Pierre Bédard - November 17, 2018

J’❤️ ce blog!

Valerie Dawes - November 17, 2018

Before you are overwhelmed with the busy Christmas season, let John & I wish you and Shirley the blessings of a wonderful Christmas. All the best for a terrific 2019.

Cindy McAllister - November 17, 2018

I read a quote today. William Arthur Ward wrote, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing is like wrapping a present and not giving it”.
So unwrap your present!
Thank so much for your blog! I learn something or am reminded of something every week. Thank you to you and your wife and staff for being so welcoming to us in your restaurant and shop. Thank you for your gardens and lovely scenery from the windows of your restaurant. And Thank you for your jokes. I am sure I missed a few “Thank you’s” here and there.

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