Health Benefits of Tears & Laughter and Choices
It’s been quite a beautiful week here in Prince Edward Island. The sun has been shining, and if you look past the ice-covered ground and look up to the sky, the colours tell us that spring is making her way to us, only 31 days from here.
Monday is "Islander Day," a provincial holiday on Prince Edward Island. A day set aside for families to enjoy spending time together. Many shops and businesses will be closed, including the Preserve Company, to allow staff members to get out and take part in some of the festivities happening throughout the province.
You have been so gracious to share your comments over the last few weeks, and some have sent emails to encourage my writing as well.
You inspire me. Thank you.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
A year ago I made a decision to do something about the state of my physical health. Memberships to the local health club for 25 years, (going perhaps only 100 times during that time), with a promise to myself at the beginning of every January to "do" more.
It never happened. Maybe you know what I mean.
Promises that become broken promises does nothing good for the soul.
A year and several trainers later (I like to think, I wore them out. LOL) feeling more energy and positivity.
I have read this quote before, but now I get it.
Take care your body. It's the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn
This new path has me researching food. Choices and consequences. Please have no fear of this space becoming a rant for one diet over another; I will just share what I learn.
While researching I found a great little article. Click the red.
The Health Benefits of Laughter, Tears, and Kisses
We are busy working on creating a new blogging space and will share more details over the next few weeks. Stay tuned.
You can make comments in the comment section, don't worry, I read them before publishing. If you wish your words not to be displayed, just write do not post, and that is fine, I won't post. But I would love to hear from you.
What are you reading? Fiction, non-fiction.
Personally, I tend to be a non-fiction reader, but do need to change that up a bit for sure. Right now. I have about three on the go.
The Road to Character by David Brooks, where he focuses on the broader values that inform our lives. He calls the culture of the Big Me, which emphasizes external success. He challenges us to rebalance the scales between our "resume virtues" - achieving wealth, fame and status and our "eulogy virtues," those that exist at the core of our being: kindness, bravery, honesty, focusing on what kind of relationships we have formed.
For diet consideration, I am reading, The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf.
For spiritual consideration, I find a lot of peace in reading Graham Cooke, especially the Wisdom Series.
When writing, I like to listen to instrumental music.
This morning, I am enjoying Portrait: Max Richter by Angele Dubeau & La Pieta. She is one of my favourite instrumentalists. Take a listen here.
Oh, here is something on the humour side. Let's call it Saturday's Silly. It is diet related.
Wish you a wonderful weekend!
With love from Prince Edward Island.
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