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Because We Love, We Cry.

Because We Love, We Cry.

Good Morning from Prince Edward,
Thank you for taking the time to be with me today, I appreciate the cuppa time together.
Since we were together a lot has happened in our part of the world.
Nova Scotia and Canada have experienced a horrific and senseless act of murder taking the lives of 22 beautiful people. Most of us awoke April 19, 2020, in shock to learn of this and over the next few days more and more of this evil was revealed.

This tragedy and the pandemic remind us of the fragility of our own lives and bring us around to recognizing what is ultimately important. Our faith, our family, our friends. Today we all stand as one big family.

We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.~ Thomas Merton

I try and write what I want to read. There is enough to be discouraged about and I feel it best we push back and encourage each other all the time, but especially at times like these.
Below is the two-hour vigil held in Nova Scotia, I hope you will take the time to watch if you have not already. I warn you, have a few tissue close.
Many of you have travelled to this part of the world to visit and received a piece of our heart. This region has shown over and over we can afford to give our hearts away because we have lots of “heart” to give.
The tributes, the spirit and the music shared in the vigil represent the heart of this region. The Premier of Nova Scotia, Stephen MacNeil said it well.
"I'm sorry this has to be a virtual gathering. And that the physical connection of a hug is not possible. But you will still feel the love and the warmth in this tribute," McNeil said.
"My hope is that everyone who watches will feel like they are gathering around the table and listening to some remarkable stories about some remarkable people."

I hope you can take the time to watch this vigil and if you have already, perhaps you will take the time to watch, The Phoenix, a wonderful and beautiful message out of Ireland.

It is always darkest before the dawn and new and brighter days are not far off.


I am thinking that today is the time to rekindle an old friendship or two by taking the time to have a conversation with someone I haven't spoken to in a while. There are two on my list, that I am going to touch base with. Is there anyone on your list?

What a difference we’ll make if, when we look at others, we say, “Love starts with me.” And wouldn’t that be a great reflection of God’s love for us?Dave Branon

Last week we ran the survey to choose the caption that was liked by the majority. It was close, that I decided to award a first and a second prize.

The Winner is:
Let’s pretend we are fighting, then Bruce will throw us some bread to stop us. It works every time.
Runner Up is:
Maybe next time you’ll listen to me. The label clearly said Super Glue!
I will be in touch with the winners later today.

The sun came up this morning and as with every day, Millie plays fetch with me at sunrise, we walk, we run and we give thanks for all we have. We have each other, we have our family and there are lots to be thankful for.

At times like this when we can’t touch,

may we all come together in spirit and have a group hug.


Be kind to yourself and to others.

With lots of love from Prince Edward Island,
Bruce & Millie
I told my boss that three companies were after me, so I needed a raise in pay to stay with the current job.
He asked which companies?
I told him gas, electric, and cable.
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ANGELA Pinsent - April 25, 2020

Funny how I just this moment sat down with a cup of creamy earl grey tea and poured from a lovely tea set (both of which I bought from your store) I open Facebook and see your blog. Your words of encouragement is exactly what I needed to read. Thanks so very much, Bruce
Love from Newfoundland

althea - April 25, 2020

Good morning, Bruce. Thank you for a spot-on blog for and at this time. Stay well to you, your family, and all in this ‘blog community’. Blessings.

colette lawson - April 25, 2020

I was so saddened to hear on the news of the shooting in Nova Scotia, truly a reminder that no matter where we are we are not immune to others people hate, and that we need to spread more love. Love the picture of the pup, that made my day!

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