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Beach Clean-Up! (not now)

Beach Clean-Up! (not now)

A local craft brewery launched an initiative earlier this month, to hold an island-wide beach clean up for June 24th. Our beaches can often become quite littered through the winter months with ocean going refuse. We all cherish clean shorelines, especially during the summer and this is possible often as a direct result of volunteer efforts.

A mass beach clean-up is an excellent idea, and many businesses got on board to help with the effort.

However, the Island Nature Trust stepped in and notified the business at the head of this plan that while a lovely sentiment, the timing was all wrong.

Our Island dunes are home to an endangered shorebird, the Piping Plover. And this is the time of year those little birds are making their nests and laying their eggs.

The concern of this group is that a large cleanup effort this time of year could disrupt these nesting birds and we can’t afford to lose a single one! According to a CBC article, the total population of Piping Plovers in PEI is at 61!

The brewery did the right thing and called off the event. They hope to host a clean up at the end of the summer instead.

So great to see companies large and small caring about our environment and doing the right thing.

That was one of the big news stories here on our Island this week! I just love living here.

Before I sign off, I have to wish all my fellow Dads a wonderful Father’s Day weekend. And to you moms and kids who made us dads, thank you for giving us the privilege. My heart goes out to those who lost their Dads for whatever reason. 

I’m not sure yet what Shirley and our daughters have in mind for me Sunday, but it doesn't really matter to me, I am blessed beyond every day with them being the larger part of who I am.

I would love to hear about your Father’s Day traditions and/or some of your stories that celebrate the father figure in your life.

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Tina Chittle - June 19, 2017

My husband doesn’t want any plans or gifts on Father’s day. We ended up visiting his Meme in the nursing home which turned out to be our eldest daughter’s favourite part of the day. We gathered greens from the garden to prepare the side dishes that would accompany our BBQ’d fare for the day. My favourite part of the day was sharing the man of the hour with the neighbour’s boy who needed a bike repair.

Irwin Judson - June 17, 2017

Your second last paragraph rings true for me too..

Mary Shea - June 17, 2017

We have been coming to PEI since 1980 and last year the beaches were terrible. We stay on the North Shore in Cavendish near Rustico. The beach areas off MacNeill Pond area and the North Rustico were dirty and filled with mounds of IRISH MOSS on the beach and In the water. The smell as well as the problem reaching the water and maneuvering to get beyond to swim or just enjoy the water was impossible. We are here for 20 days and have not been able to enjoy the beach. Clean up is necessary! There are no birds nesting in either of these 2 areas.

Judith Inman - June 17, 2017

Wonderful blog, Bruce. Every country needs to be aware of the wildlife and their needs. I remember beaches in RI closing to protect the nesting birds. I’m a beach lover, but I’ll give it up any day for our feathered friends! Happy Father’s Day to you!

Janet Connolly - June 17, 2017

Happy Fathers Day Bruce. Wonderful lunch and chat with you last weekend. We love our Hummers as well. Janet

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