2017 Note to Self...
Dear Bruce,
Before you charge off into 2017, I want to remind you of your age. You have been driving it hard for 30 plus years so, in light of this fact, might I remind you to work smarter, not harder.
There are many areas of your life that I wish to speak to, so I have made a list for you to consider. I want to be gentle but firm in my recommendations.
1. If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will. Think about it and set them!
2. You know what you want for your health...just do it. Stop procrastinating.
3. Love more, give your time and consideration to others in need.
4. Breathe...smell the roses, take in more of what nature offers. You know you love it!!
5. Fill your heart with gratitude; it fills your body with happiness.
6. Forgive yourself and forgive others.
7. Remember you can't be a friend to others if you are not a friend to yourself.
Bruce, I want you to have a great year, and at the end of 2017, I hope that you have honoured the list above by having lived it fully and intentionally.
Take care,
ps. The beginning and end of everything is love. Guard your heart, out of it flows your thoughts words and actions.
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