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Fiona's Destruction at the Gardens of Hope

Fiona's Destruction at the Gardens of Hope

Video Filmed and Edited by Porter Doiron.

Next article Hurricane Fiona in the Gardens of Hope


lucille - October 10, 2022

So sad to see the disaster. Such a nice place to visit. My good wishes for the restoration. Lucille from Alberta.

Elizabeth Anne Woolner - October 6, 2022

My thoughts are with you as you continue to move through the devastation of the
hurricane. My grandmother was born in New Glasgow and my family always
spends time on PEI every summer. We always enjoy our visits to the PEI Preserve
Company – an extraordinary tourist destination.

Cherie - October 6, 2022

Sending so much love and positive thoughts to you all.

Cherie from Toronto

bobbie rowe - October 6, 2022

So sorry for the damages that the garden of hope has had from the hurricane. Garden of hope is such a good project. I was with Christian Tours and we visited your store when you were in process of building the Garden of Hope. Such a nice thing to do for others. God bless.

Charlotte Bryant - October 6, 2022

So sorry to see the damage. I am curious to know how often you get a hurricane?

Joan MacKinnon - October 6, 2022

I started watching this video, but could not get the sound. I’ll try again on another device later. We were on the Island when Fiona hit, with hopes to come to visit The Preserve Company. Unfortunately, because of the damage all over the Island, we ended up leaving the Island early. I feel so badly for everyone who lost so much and for the damage to the Island, some of which can be repaired and some not. My heart goes out to everyone and I hope that life returns to a more normal rhythm soon.

Jack & Lillian Paul - October 6, 2022

It was such a beautiful place & Mother nature destroyed it BUT I am sure your resilience will make it better by next summer. My heart and prayers go out to everyone on PEI during this terrible time. It is Thanksgiving and I am so thankful no one was injured or killed. Take care & stay safe. Lillian

Joan Courtney - October 6, 2022

Dear Marsha…
My heart is broken to see the devastation you are enduring. What a tragedy for such a beautiful, one of a kind place that brings such joy to so many. My heart did smile however to see you standing next to the Rock of Hope that was left unscathed. A sign perhaps for all of us?! 🌻

RAB PECK - October 6, 2022

Dear Bruce.
This comes to you from the North of England.
From this country we have been following the course of Fiona and are horrified at the appalling level of destruction, wherever it went, especially to the gardens and property of The Preserving Company.
We are so very saddened to see how much harm has been inflicted on the Gardens of Hope, gardens in which we walked not so long ago.
With the help of staff and customers, let us pray that the beauty of the gardens and the structure of the property will, in the fullness of time, be restored to their former state.
May the Lord be with you as you travel your journey of restoration. Cynthia and Rab Peck.

Caroline B Stogrin - October 6, 2022

Thank you for your video letting us know how you are doing! We are sorry for the loss of so many beautiful trees but, at the same time, thankful that the damage was not worse!

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