Birds, beaches, and summer breezes in PEI
By Ron Arvidson
A variety of Shorebirds at Augustine Cove
Of these, a group of particular interest are the shorebirds. These birds are found throughout North America along the edge of out waters. Some prefer salt water and can only be seen on the sandy and rocky coastlines of the oceans and mudflats, while others may be found feeding in salt water and fresh water, depending on the season. A few are found inland and along our streams, or at times, in berry fields. Many of them migrate to areas thousands of kilometers away south.
Semipalmated Plover plus at Cape Traverse
So now is a good time to visit the beach and remember to be mindful that you are sharing it with our feathered friends as they are fuelling up for a long migration and not interrupt their feeding.
Semipalmated Sandpiper at Rovis Beach in Victoria-by-the- Sea
Black-bellied Plover in Carleton Cove
Bonaparte's Gull, a gull that nests in the Arctic and stops to visit on its way South.
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