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World Migratory Bird Day 2015

Today is World Migratory Bird Day 2015. 

What is this, you may ask?

"World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) was initiated in 2006 and is an annual awareness-raising campaign highlighting the need for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. Each year, on the second weekend in May, people around the world take action and organize public events such as bird festivals, education programmes, exhibitions and bird-watching excursions to celebrate WMBD."


This year's theme is, "Energy- make it bird friendly."

Once again, we're thrilled to have two of Prince Edward Island's avid bird watchers and photographers here to help us mark this special day!

Welcome back Shirley Gallant and Ron Arvidson.

From Shirley:

There are about 20 Warbler species that nest on Prince Edward Island. The following are commonly found on PEI. They are just beginning to arrive back here to look for a mate and start a family.

This is a Common Yellow-throat in his full spring colours (Gallant)


A Yellow Warbler. Very common on PEI and usually found in shrubs and trees near water (Gallant)


This is a Yellow-rump Warbler. One of the earliest spring arrivals (Gallant)



This is a male Northern Parula. Also found near water in mature trees (Gallant)


This is female Common Yellow-throat (Gallant) 


From Ron:

With warmer weather in May, and the onset of insects, we can look forward to the return of the Warblers and other insect eaters. Hopefully, the weather will be more conducive to us all getting outside and becoming more active in our fields and woods. The onset of better weather brings about a number of events such as the Global Big Day (May 9) and the NaturePEI Bain Bird Count (May 30).

While we ready ourselves for these events we are all watching the trees and fields around us. Almost daily we are seeing new birds. Some of the most interesting of recent birds have been the sparrows. We have had wonderful opportunities to see a mix of sparrows including White-throated, Song, Fox and Dark-eyed Juncos.

We are also seeing Common Grackles and Red-winged Blackbirds.  

In coming days, we should be seeing the early warblers; some have been reported as sighted already. 

Fox Sparrow  (Ron Arvidson)


White-throated Sparrow (Ron Arvidson)


Song Sparrow (Ron Arvidson)


Purple Finch (Ron Arvidson)


Osprey (Ron Arvidson)


American Goldfinch (Ron Arvidson)


Common Grackle (Ron Arvidson)


Newly Arrived Yellow-rumped Warbler (Ron Arvidson)


Red-winged blackbird  (Ron Arvidson)


Tree Swallow (Ron Arvidson)


 Want to become a better Warbler watcher? Check out this great (and free!) resource: 


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