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The Gardens of Hope Respite Cottage


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M. Gallant - July 18, 2020

I was pleased to discover your initiative with this respite home, you are an inspiring model to follow. I used to be stationed at CFB S’side, i never forgot your shop, i never saw the same, we’ve kept fond memories about our august visit during the raspberry’s season , how can anyone forgets. I will pay a visit on my next visit to the island.

Patricia Jones - December 9, 2018

I am so looking forward to our stay at the cottage.. my hope is that things at home remain stable and we can go. He’s doing as good as can be expected, on an experimental drug and so far he’s tolerating that.

Nicole Dube - July 14, 2018

What a wonderful idea! I too found a small chapel at a time when I needed to reflect, and I am so happy to know that a place for others to restore and find peace, exists on beautiful Prince Edward Island! May this project continue to grow in love and those who shelter here be restored in both body and spirit. ❤️

John Malone - May 19, 2018

Bruce. When your heart is full ,your cup overflows.

Susan - January 15, 2018

A delightful, heart warming idea that is needed and would be more than welcomed in all our communities.

Carol McFarlane - December 31, 2017

What a beautiful concept – congratulations – embodies all the kindness we see in PEI

Peggy Anderson - November 25, 2017

What a beautiful commitment to others. This cottage must be a blessing to all who sponsor and find the need for renewal here.

Maureen Goodick - March 28, 2017

I was deeply touched reading about the Respite Cottage which you have made available for healing of hearts and minds. You and your wife will be richly blessed for your loving kindness.

Lorna Jenkins - September 26, 2016

Good Morning Bruce MacNaughton:

I am a hospice volunteer working very closely with a little boy and his family right now who I think could benefit a great deal from your beautiful cottage. Would you be able to contact me please by email. Or you may phone me at 902-439-0489. Or you may phone me at work 902-368-6170. The child is two. A dear little boy. He has mitochondrial diease.. He was diagnosed about 6-9 months ago. His mom and dad are aged 32 and 34. He has four sisters aged 3, 5, 8 and 12. I would dearly love to have them be able to stay at your cottage for a week. The mom is so tired, but definitely one of the best Mom’s I have ever met in my life. Thank you so much, Lorna

Bruce - June 21, 2014

Hi Suzanne,

Nice to hear from you and thank you for your comments. It has been an honour to be a part of peoples journey. We are blessed.

The Respite Cottage is an old chapel, but we have a “vision” for a small chapel down by the water in the garden. My wife and I were inspired when travelling in Crete and came upon a travellers tiny chapel and at the time there was a situation at home that needed reflection and prayer and this chapel just happened to be right where we needed it to be. We now want to build a little one for folks who are travelling to Prince Edward Island or just visiting the gardens as well.

Take care and hope we get to have a cup of tea next year in the gardens.



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