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The Next Chapter + A Bunch of Good + Unbelievable

The Next Chapter + A Bunch of Good + Unbelievable

Good Morning from Warren Grove, Prince Edward Island

“A lot of people have their big dreams and get knocked down and don’t have things go their way. And you never give up hope, and you really just hold on to it—Hard work and perseverance. You just keep getting up and getting up, and then you get that breakthrough.” – Robert Kraft.

Shirley and I sold our beloved little company yesterday.

Emotions are all over the place. As I write, I grieve the loss of our “business family”  and experience the joy of freedom to come at the same time.

Scott F. Fitzgerald wrote, "Intelligence is measured by a person's ability to see validity within both sides of contradicting arguments."

There has been a pull to change direction for the last few years. After lots of chit-chatting with retirees and talks with Shirley, prayer led my spirit to let me know it was time.

You don’t stop laughing when you age; you age when you stop laughing.

I am channelling a lot of author Scott Fitzgerald's today; many of his quotes seem to resonate.

"I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Our company became a favourite destination for Islanders and visitors alike. We were fortunate to be in New Glasgow, one of the prettiest villages in Canada. The company's popularity grew from the hard work and service of such excellent staff; many have been with us 20 years plus, and Lynn marks number 30 in May.

I wrote about the start in the July 2021 blog number six in a seven blog thread of how I met Shirley and the journey to New Glasgow.

We did not arrive to this point without the support of so many loyal customers. It is a family business, and a large part of our family has been the staff and the customers.

We would like to thank all the operators who make Prince Edward Island one of the best Island destinations in the world. Their hard work and dedication to the industry are the envy of many jurisdictions in Canada. As well, the accommodations’ front-line staff have consistently supported us, and we thank them.

Our company grew from a specialty food manufacturer into a food gift store and online retailer, restaurant, small theatre cafe, Gardens of Hope, and butterfly house.

Shirley and I will continue our ministry of serving others through our non-profit Foundation of Hope Respite Cottage. 

"And in the end, we were all just humans...Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

We will remain in an advisory capacity to assist the new owners with the transition.  And I will continue writing this blog for the company.

We are pleased to have Adam and Marsha Doiron step in and infuse new energy and heart into the company.

Adam & Marsha are no strangers to the tourism industry. They are very familiar with the Preserve Company, having worked for decades in the motor-coach travel industry where they confidently sent thousands of visitors to us.

The purchase brings much nostalgia to the couple; in 2006, they were married in the Gardens of Hope. We are grateful to them for their plans to continue the company support of the Respite Cottage as well.

Marsha and Adam publicly shared yesterday: “We are excited to purchase this truly unique business. And we are excited to work with the dedicated and loyal team at the heart of the company. We appreciate the years of hard work behind creating this icon and continue the legacy.

We look forward to growing the business with this excellent, strong team.”

What's next?

Not knowing how to write, I started this blog in 2014. After reading my blogs, Betty Morgan (90+) and Althea (80+) would write to me. These two ladies of age and beauty reminded me to pay closer attention to my colons, semi-colons and grammar. 

Their messages encouraged me to try and learn the craft of writing.

"You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have."

~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

He said it; I mean it.

Writing is one of the essential skills in the world. One of the benefits of improving your writing skill is you become a better thinker.

There are a number of reasons, I did not like school and did well to graduate from high school. My education has come from school of hard knocks. 


So my new adventure is to read more, learn more, write more and teach more.

"Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to."
~ Harry Emerson Fosdick

I am starting a daily blog starting real soon. I hope you join me there.

The site is still in the design process, but it is far enough along to accept sign-ups.

Hope you join me on A Bunch of Good Things. Sign Up Here.

To the consistent readers of this blog on Saturdays…

"You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person(s) I have ever known—and even that is an understatement." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

He said it; I mean it.

Lots of Love from Prince Edward Island. And THANK YOU for being here today.

Bruce, Shirley and Millie

ps. Your Morning Smile

A woman is getting lunch ready when the phone rings.

"This is the middle school calling about your son Johnny. He's been caught telling unbelievable lies."

"I'll say he has," the woman replies, "I don't have a son."

Let's Wiggle, Jiggle, Giggle and Dance

Previous article Desire is Tricky + Pianist Tears + 6-Year-Old Wisdom.
Next article Perseverance, Guts & Hope + Big Eyes + He Doesn't Look Good in Blue


Dorothy Michalek - April 3, 2022

Congratulations on your retirement, I write through tears. I first visited either in 1994 and 1995 and made yearly visits through 2006. I still have T-shirts, tote bags, a tea set (still used), egg cups, tea making paraphernalia, cassette tapes (yes), and who knows what else I purchased over the years. Did you ever sell Christmas tree ornaments? The teas, jams, jellies I brought home with me, and shared. Hopefully I will make it back to PEI one year, and will visit again. I’ll just know not to look for you walking around in your kilt. May you and Shirley enjoy your retirement and travels; relax. Keep reading.

Bryce And Karen Schnare - April 3, 2022

Bruce and Shirley…….You are a “CLASS ACT”.

This beautiful spot in New Glasgow, you both have developed, through hard work, perseverance, and Love, has helped make Prince Edward Island the special place
It is today.

Karen and I look forward to seeing you both this summer.
Please except our invitation for lunch in Clinton.

Love you both

Jack & Lillian Paul - April 3, 2022

I agree with Harry Fosdick Bruce… Don’t retire from something …Retire to something.
We wish you & Shirley & yes Millie a very Happy Retirement. It is a new adventure for you. Please wish Adam & Marsha all the very best in their new adventure. I look forward to seeing your new writings. Take care …Stay safe and enjoy!!!
Jack & Lillian

Linda Shukri - April 3, 2022

WOW! I can’t believe you are selling! How can you let go of such a wonderful business! But so glad the new couple will take good care of your “baby.” :-)

The Preserve Company has been my favorite restaurant for many years. Bill and I have enjoyed eating there and purchasing your wonderful products. Such delicious food and you “do” tea right! So glad your beautiful company will still be in existence.

As we have been back in the US/South Carolina for almost 4 years now, I miss being able to eat at your place as we were only a few miles away in Fredericton.

Many blessings to you and Shirley as you retire and do whatever you want to do! :-)

Best regards,
Linda Shukri

judy Donovan Whitty - April 3, 2022

Dear Bruce: so many have expressed my thinking above – my gasp of surprise but relief that you will remain connected as you have quite a fan club; you are a wonderful writer.
It is commendable that you and Shirley will continue your work with the Cottage of Hope – very special! Tks so very much for all you’ve done and continue to do…one thing i hope does NOT change is access to the best Raspberry pie anywhere in the world! being gluten free i just don’t touch the crust…love to you both and unlimited hugs,
judy Donovan Whitty Charlottetown PE (formerly Ingonish Cape Breton, NS)

Gail Smith - April 2, 2022

So surprised to hear your news but very happy for you and Shirley. I truly wish you the very best and am grateful for all of your wonderful talents and earnest labor that you have so generously shared with all of us. I know that the two of you will find many rewards in the next chapter of your lives but am glad that you will still be able to share a bit of yourselves through your blog and wisdom filled advice. Best of luck to Marsha & Adam!

Kathleen - April 2, 2022

I too am completely shocked reading your message. However, I have to say retirement is a gift which I love and I am certain you will love too. All my best wishes to you both. And it is great that you still will be able to let us all know how you are doing with your new blog. Thank you for all the wonderful blogs you have sent in the past…I have enjoyed every one…Love from summer PEI resident Kathleen

Robyn & Jim Johnston - April 2, 2022

Bruce & Shirley,
A great time in life. You have both sacrificed precious time with each other and family to operate your wonderful business. The only complaint we have with our retirement is that time is going too fast.
Enjoy this new adventure together. Wishing you many years of health and happiness!

Melanie T - April 2, 2022

Oh, Bruce and Shirley! I’m emotional with you. I nearly cried. But I’m so happy for you. Congratulations! I’m also delighted that the business will continue and that we’ll still be hearing from you, Bruce. And a new daily blog to boot! I’ll be signing up momentarily.

The Cafe was an absolute highlight of my first and only, beloved trip to PEI in 2008. My heart has always assumed that one day I would return and eat in the beautiful light of the Cafe again. I’m still holding that hope.

Very best to you in your newfound freedom and ventures. May many delightful surprises and joys await you.

Annie - April 2, 2022

Oh, Bruce! Talk about a mix of emotions- change always brings a touch of fear and sadness, but also renewal, excitement, and anticipation. I am grateful that you will continue to write this blog, and I am signing up for your daily blog, too. Your words and your company have been among my most cherished of blessings for several years, now. It sounds like you have found just the right buyers for your family business, and I look forward to seeing how they continue your legacy. Sending much love, hopes, and prayers for all of you!

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