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The Greatest Virtue + Her Fears Faced + Know Any Pessimists?

The Greatest Virtue + Her Fears Faced + Know Any Pessimists?

Good Morning from Warren Grove, Prince Edward Island
Tis the season to be jolly.
Put on the kettle and let’s have a cuppa.
Wondering about Prince Edward Island Covid News?
What a week we had at the shop. Thank you to all who placed your orders.
We appreciate becoming part of your seasonal traditions. I honestly think of you on Christmas morning. And how it is an honour for us to be on the table in so many homes around the world at this special time. Very grateful.
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.”
~ Marcus Tullius
A little pressed for time today. So my visit will be a one cupper today, but I hope you enjoy what I have been watching, listening and thinking about. And thank you for being here when I knock on your email door.

A News Story I Enjoyed.

First, she faced her fear of heights, then she took on something even scarier: Remarriage

Dawn LeBlond sat in her cubicle at the Federal Aviation Administration feeling lost. A former Navy aviator, she’d always held herself to high standards, and getting divorced at 32 felt like an epic fail. Even worse was the dim memory of who she used to be: optimistic, athletic, outdoorsy. Where, LeBlond wondered, had that Dawn gone? Read the Rest of the Story. 
I have a few books on the go these days. I just finished The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. Just finishing Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden; almost finished Healing Childhood Trauma by Robin Marvel, and started a book I have owned for some time, Take Your Soul to Work by Tanis Helliwell
A Quote I am Pondering:
Neither dependent nor independent thinking is working. Interdependence is needed and is created by bringing together the best of the dependent mindset, relationship with others, and the best of the independent mindset, relationship with oneself. Interdependent people are committed to creating a better world for others and are already working in mutually beneficial business partnerships and personal relationships, and are involved in community building and healing the environment. - Tanis Helliwell

This video made me think about conflict, time and love.

This time of year, I love listening to choral music. Not sure where or how that started, but it has grown into a love affair. This week I have been listening to a wide variety of vocal talents via Apple Music. This playlist is called Choral Chill. Enjoy a sample listen here.

"The role of music in our culture is most crucial because music is the art most sacredly capable of helping us get in touch with the deepest passions and compassion, and deepest understanding of ourselves." - Ethan Hawke

If you missed our other blogs this week take a peek at Katherine’s wonderful photography, First Snow in the Gardens of Hope. And the other is Island Stories: The Ice Cream Freezer...I just love the comments made by the reader of this RED story.

Got to run...

Sincerely wishing you and yours all the love and beauty of the season.
Click Here for Our Musical Message - Merry Christmas from Bruce + Millie
If you want to have some fun and create and send your own message in tone; try it out here.
ps. Your Morning Smiles
Don't argue with an idiot...
People watching may not be able to tell the difference.
He decided to try to break the news to a friend of his, a pessimist by nature and invited him to hunt with him and his new dog.
As they waited by the shore, a flock of ducks flew by. They fired and a duck fell. The dog responded and jumped into the water. The dog, however, did not sink but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet.
The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.
On the drive home, the hunter asked his friend, "Did you notice anything unusual about my new dog?"
"I sure did," responded his friend. "He can't swim."
Previous article An Anonymous Elf + Brighten It Up + Stay Out of Those Places
Next article Not a Good Idea + A Current Collective + Do You Feel It Now?


murdock morrison - December 6, 2021

Hi Bruce – yes it is a busy time for you and I am so happy that your company is doing so well as the products that you have are wonderful as Christmas gifts. I will read more about Dawn LeBlond’s story as it sounds like a great human interest one. The video, Christmas Carols and your Musical Message will be next to do on my list. One of my favourite Christmas Carols is with the Celtic Singers on the HBO channel – all the best- Murdock

Julie MacKenzie - December 5, 2021

Look forward to your blog every weekend. Thank you for sharing it with us. Keep on, keeping on.

Nancy Hammerton - December 4, 2021

Bruce, thank you for your Saturday morning blog. I, like so many others, look forward to it and always find something to think about that I wouldn’t have known.
A message for Annie who commented: My daughter, a longtime teacher, and her colleagues are all experiencing the most difficult years of teaching during this pandemic. I think most parents are unaware of all it takes to teach in any year, let alone now! To add into your life your weekend care of your parents makes it all the harder. My prayers for your ability to keep on keeping on!

Lynn - December 4, 2021

Great blog as usual, even though I couldn’t see your message (with Millie). The video re love being the doorway to heaven was very intriguing. Much to ponder there. Thanks!
Loved the joke about the dog who couldn’t swim! That one caught me by surprise. 8-)
Keep safe!

Katherine - December 4, 2021

I appreciate your blog each week, thank you for sharing :)

Suzi - December 4, 2021

Dear Bruce,
I am not complaining, truly NOT! Simply making an observation: Your Merry Christmas Bruce and Millie, while cute and clever, I was expecting a bit more, say a video or a photo of you two. I was so excited, I sat back to enjoy something more than the sweet words. Sigh!
Still a favorite part of my Saturday morning. You bless me! Stay safe, healthy and comfortable!

Annie - December 4, 2021

Bruce, I have not had much time to actually comment in such a long time, but I am so grateful for a slower pace today so that I can. Your weekly blogs have walked beside me through months of hard days lately. My parents are both I’ll and they live in Arkansas while I am in Georgia, so my weekends have been spent traveling and my week days and nights have been spent teaching, lesson planning, and grading. You have no idea how grateful I have been for the few moments of respite each week that your blog brings. It has helped me to look outside of the “here and now” of my circumstances, and it offers a breeze of the hope and tranquility that I always experience when my feet are walking on the red soil of PEI. Your words seem to encapsulate that feeling, and my Thanksgiving table was brimming with the tastes from the Island that you produced, as well. I made several recipes from your site, and of course we prefer your cranberry sauce above all. Your pepper jellies are also superior to any that I have found near me. And, your shortbread cookies were simply delectable. Anyway, I just haven’t commented in so long, and though I doubt you would even be aware of that, I just feel compelled to let you know that your words and your work are truly having a positive and wonderful influence on our family, and I am positive on soooo many others, too, even when I (we) neglect to take the time to tell you so. So thank you! Also – did you love the Artist’s Way? I took a workshop with her ages ago, and I still write my pages every morning. 🤗

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