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Pride of History + Act Three + Not A Bad Thing

Pride of History + Act Three + Not A Bad Thing

Good Morning from Warren Grove, Prince Edward Island

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your mornings. 

I will start with a CBC story about Prince Edward Island Province House. 

"Real craftsmanship, regardless of the skill involved, reflects real caring, and real caring reflects our attitude about ourselves, about our fellowmen, and about life." ~ Spencer W. Kimball

Listening to the masons speak of their feelings about being a part of history and someday bringing their grandchildren to view their work moved me to pull on a thread regarding Province House. 

"He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist" ~ Francis of Assisi.

Story Here. 

Many readers of this blog have visited Prince Edward Island and may or may not have had a chance to see it. The 100-million-dollar restoration began in 2015 and will not be complete until 2025. 

Below is from the National Parks website. 

Completed in 1847, Province House was built in neo-classical style by local architect Isaac Smith to accommodate the provincial legislature and administrative offices. It also housed the Island’s Supreme Court until 1872.

The first session of the Prince Edward Island Legislature, held in the new Colonial Building in January 1847, marked the official opening of the structure. The small Island community had designed, built and furnished a major public building comparable to those in other British colonies in North America. The Colonial Building represented the epitome of Island craftsmanship during the mid-19th century, a time of unprecedented prosperity and optimism.

Today, Province House retains its central role in Island public life, with the Assembly holding sessions here until the building is closed for conservation work in 2015.  

In September 1864, Province House was the scene of the first conference on the colonial union. Delegates from the colonies of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Canada met in the legislative council chamber to begin discussions, which led to confederation in 1867.

If you are interested in history, read this two-minute story, The Charlottetown Conference. 

"A generation which ignores history has no past — and no future."

~ Robert A. Heinlein

This morning I have been listening to the musical talents of Sophie Hutchings through her newest album, Echoes of the Valley. 

It’s almost like you’re diving into the lungs of the piano.

Recorded in a rustic timber studio nestled in the crook of a dramatic valley in the Byron Hinterland: mountains and farmland to the west, rainforests and the ocean in the distant east. She’d go to bed with the window open, hummed into slumber by crickets and cicadas, then wake a few hours later to the cacophony of morning birdsong. 

In the recording, you can hear every click and creak of her instrument as she plays in concert with her surroundings.

Echoes In The Valley is an exercise in simplicity and inspired by it. “I’m always hearing melodies in my head, so it’s very tempting to add layers,” says Hutchings. “I was so tempted to put another instrument on it but had to tell myself, ‘No.” As a result, the only audible accompaniment to the piano in these songs is the stroke of keys, push of the pedal, and the outdoors permeating in.

Today is the last day for my blogging for Prince Edward Island Company, and it has been a real treat and educational experience for me. 

When I started the blog in 2014, I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea how to write a sentence (still learning), knew nothing about grammar, and almost nothing about technology. 

On the grammar front and using commas, semi-colons and colons, I have to thank Betty (96 years young) and Althea (80 years young) for their friendly scolding, LOL, and suggestions. Their comments inspired me to get better at expressing myself through writing. Love you both. 

To the hundreds of comments readers have made over the years, a big thank you goes out to you. I could hug you all. You were so kind to take the time and effort to write your thoughts, ending up as words of encouragement, so I owe you my future. 

A big thank you to the folks who supported our family through the purchases made. I wanted to do something different when my interest in bottling food began in 1979. I wanted to create a bottle of preserves with the least amount of sugar possible and as much authentic fruit flavour as possible, and through trial and error, I think we did it. 

To all the staff over the years who taught us and helped live our desire to create a property that would create memories for those visiting and act ourselves through our motto, Everything in Good Taste. 

To Adam and Marsha, we thank you for continuing our hard work and dreams; we wish you great success, and we hope that many more generations of people will enjoy your efforts. 

As to our future, time will tell what Shirley and I will do in Act Three, but in the meantime, I will try and learn the writing craft and share it through my new blog, A Bunch of Good Things. If you have signed up, thank you. And based on all your comments, the format will be changing and it will be sent on Saturday mornings, starting next week.  If you have not signed up, you can do so here

I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. - Diane Ackerman

But before I go, how one last wiggle and giggle.  LET’S DANCE and offer up prayers for peace around the world.  

Have a great weekend and a lovely fall season. 

With love and hugs from Prince Edward Island.

Bruce + Millie

ps. Your Morning Smile

A guy goes in for a job interview with the employer. 

The boss asks him, “What do you think is your worst quality?” 

The man says, “I’m probably too honest.” 

The boss says, “That’s not a bad thing; I think being honest is a good quality.” 

The man replies, “I don’t care what you think!” 

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently

is an art.”

—Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Next article Life Is + Sister Hood + I Alway Drive


Ann Kingery - October 22, 2022

Oh my goodness… I’m just now reading your July blog… your final one from PEI as I’ve known you. I’ve been out of reach for several months for reasons no need to explain and I’ve missed you immensely. I’ve shared your blogs with many over the past few years… w/friends I’ve thought would benefit from your caring thoughts and inspirational music. Whether the friends have placed an order or two, I don’t know; however, I do know your words have reached them. I will definitely sign up for your new blogs/location—if I can find it again!?
Swing with the light, dear Bruce, Shirley, Millie

Jack & Lillian Paul - September 5, 2022

Thank you Bruce for sharing your Blog with us. We have enjoyed many jars of jam etc from your store and loved having a meal in the restaurant. I will always be grateful that you brought a wee bit of PEI into our home..(My Island Home) We wish you well and look forward to the next “Act.”
God Bless you, Shirley & Millie.

Bea Gifford - September 5, 2022

I again wish you and your wife and Millie the best. I have enjoyed receiving and reading your blogs. I am already signed up for your other one. Love the photos of PEI you send. Take care and stay safe. Bea

Lynn - September 5, 2022

So sad to say goodbye to your blog, but knowing we still get to spend time with you in A Bunch of Good Things eases the pain. Thank you for all you’ve poured out for us. May the Lord fill you richly and be an ever present part of your third act. He’s a delightful companion.

Sandra Maroney - September 5, 2022

Wonderful how the integrated quotes you use for your blogs catch my attention and make me want to read more and more of your discoveries and write ups.

Add to that new discoveries for me in the line of music which is my passion of sorts.

Thank you so much and hugs right back to the 2 of you on Chapter 3 of your voyage with us.

Thank goodness I registered for All Good Things.

Gale Haskell - September 3, 2022

I miss this Blog already.

althea kaye - September 3, 2022

Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through. Wislawa Szymborska


Love and do what you will, for everything is already well and just as it needs to be.
St. Augustine (i think.)

see you at All Good Things.

Annie - September 3, 2022

Thank you seems a little inadequate, but thank you for sharing your heart, words of light, hope, comfort, and all good things through your blogs. I have relied upon this blog so many Saturday mornings to bring hope and a smile through some difficult times and to enhance the beauty of many wonderful times, as well. Always, you brought a connection to the Island I love so dearly and feel most at home in. I am truly grateful for A Bunch of Good Things because saying goodbye to this blog is sad enough; at least we are not saying goodbye to you all together. I genuinely look forward to sharing many more Saturday morning cuppus with you, Shirley, and Millie. God bless you., Bruce!

Tati - September 3, 2022

Thank you for sharing your talents, thoughts, skill and interests with us. It has been part of my Saturday mornings with chai in hand. We were at your beautiful legacy this summer and enjoyed the Gardens of hope tremendously… as we always do.

Joe And TaraAnderson - September 3, 2022

Our tour bus stopped at your place and we feel in love with your jams and jellies and your friendliness. Moved from Rhode Island to Oregon to be grandparents and have loved your blog.
Guess we are in our third act also and now we are enjoying your new blog. Many thank yous!
Enjoy your third act!
Joe and Tara

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