Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All....
Dear Friends,
In taking the time to pause and think about the 12 months that have passed, I am mindful of all the beautiful things that happened this year. We were busy, staff did an outstanding job, and we have made many new friends this year.
It is Christmas...
At this time of year billions around the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
The centre of the Christmas story is a baby, a child born into humble surroundings. The creator God came to earth as a human child, who taught through stories and parables. Teaching how to love our neighbours and our enemies, to give freely and forgive freely to obtain peace. He taught we should give to the poor and look out for those who are less fortunate. To give our hearts; not our judgment.
Whether you believe or not in his birth, one thing can be sure, the message of peace and love is eternal. One I wish all could subscribe.
I think of friends who have passed on and the candle that is burning low in their love one's hearts this year, to them I wish to say there are brighter days ahead.
Spending time at home with family, eating more than we should, (not our products of course) and watching Christmas movies is a tradition for many. For those who believe in the reason for the season, you will enjoy the Jimmy Stewart short video posted below.
If you wish to read more, this is a great article by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, Am I a Christian, Pastor Timothy Keller? Read here.
Shirley, our daughters and I wish you and your family a lovely peaceful and calm Christmas with love and good cheer. All the best to you and yours for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
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