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Introducing PEI's History Guy

It's no secret, I love Prince Edward Island. 

And I love meeting folks who share my passion for this beautiful province.

PEI is home to the breathtaking scenery, scrumptious culinary, friendly folks and rich history. 

Recently, I stumbled upon a blog that shares glimpses of PEI's past. PEI History Guy, was started by Isaac Stewart a freelance historian based in Charlottetown. 

Isaac is passionate about Prince Edward Island history and he's on a mission to preserve and promote Island heritage. Isn't that wonderful!


PEI's history guy


Take a peak at Isaac's blog and join me in delving into PEI's history.  

From his blog, A damned queer parliament:

"I found myself a bit pressed for time this week, so today’s post will be short and sweet, and if it makes you laugh…well, that’s more or less the point. It never fails to get a chuckle out of me, mainly because I consider the story to be so very Prince Edward Island. Off we go!
The next time you find yourself walking down Queen Street in Charlottetown, keep an eye out for a weathered plaque affixed to the exterior of a well-kept brick establishment housing Terre Rouge Bistro Marche in one half, and Liquid Gold Olive Oils & Vinegars in the other. . ."
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