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Running for the Super Moon, Benedictine Nuns, I Can't Spell It

Good Morning and Happy Easter from Prince Edward Island

Put the kettle on and let's have a chat.

Is love a noun or a verb?

Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbours worthy.~ Thomas Merton

I have been enjoying the downtime but looking forward to normalcy into the daily routine. These times very well might be the new normal for a while, and if it is, it is.
We all must do what we must do. There is a lot of good that will come of this, I am sure.
The sense of community is real.
"Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.”
~ Madeline Bridges
This story in Yellowknife is an excellent example of what and why we must do what we must do. It is an Atlantic magazine story. 
I enjoyed the CBC story about Premier Dennis King and Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison giving a "kids COVID-19 briefing." They answered some of the questions on the minds of the Island's youngest. Read more here.
Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another. ~ Alfred Adler
This past Thursday morning, MIllie and I headed out for a walk. I wanted to try and capture Millie, our house and the super moon in a photograph.
You will notice Millie quite distance from me.
Well, the sweetness is also a prankster. I had her all lined up for a beautiful photo; I had the house, the moon and Millie sitting pretty. Oh my, this was going to be a great photo.
I needed to get my phone out of my back pocket to take the photo, so I said, "Millie, stay." She did, and I gave her a treat.
I proceeded to take off my gloves, and I put them on the ground in front of myself while kneeling in front of Mille. I stood up and backed up a bit to take the photo. As I was reaching into my back pocket to get my phone, I thought I need to get the gloves out of the shot. In the split second, I thought this, Millie puts her chops into my gloves and starts running as fast as she could towards the house.
I kept calling, Millie, STOP. Mille, STOP, Millie, get back here!
It was not happening. Millie finally did stop, but she would not return to me. So we both stood our ground and stared at each other for five minutes. I thought to myself, well, it is pretty out here and a gentle silence is all around me, I will enjoy this moment.
Okay, times up. I thought I would ignore her and walk the other way. I started walking, and as I did, I looked over my shoulder enough to see what she was doing. Hallelujah, she was running towards me at breakneck speed.
I was feeling all proud of deciding to walk the other way. I walked a bit more, turned around, stopped and waited for her. She was running me, and Australian Shepherds are swift runners. I thought, when she gets here, I will reward her with a treat if, when I say, "drop" and she complies.
It wasn't to be! She kept running past me and stopping about the equal distance that was between us before. Except now I was looking east instead of west. I was not impressed, I was getting cold out, and though I was not very content with her prank, I couldn't show her how much I was laughing on the inside. It totally cracked me up; I am still laughing as I write.
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. Happy Easter to my brothers and sisters.

There is a monastery of Benedictine nuns living in seclusion in southern France. 

They have opened their doors to allow recordings of its Gregorian chants. In what is believed to be the largest recording project ever conducted.  

They have opened the doors of their sanctuary and invite us to reconnect in communion with each other in prayer through the Gregorian Chants during these times of COVID-19 and the stress it is bringing to the global community.

Gregorian is a monodic sung prayer originating in the 8th century and sung by the Sisters precisely as it has been uninterruptedly for centuries. These chants awaken us to the most intimate, profound parts of our being. They wish for all of us to find peace, consolation, hope, and a sense of communion even while the current circumstances prevent us from gathering.

Hit the little area in the upper left-hand corner of the image below to listen. 

Shirley, Millie and I wish a Happy and Safe Easter.
Blessings on all.
With love from Prince Edward Island,
ps. Thank you to all that sent "captions" for last week's blog video, "Two Birds Wrestling". I am so close to having the polling app completed so readers can vote on their favourite. I have spent two hours on creating the poll but I need their help desk to complete and I am too stubborn to let it go. LOL, I will have it ready for next week. 
Sam: I’m having a lot of trouble with eczema, teacher.
Teacher: Heavens, where do you have it?
Sam: I don’t have it, I just can’t spell it.
Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Jackie - May 2, 2020

Love all your blogs. I enjoy your preserves as well! Loved coming to PEI and your shop. Looking forward to next trip!!

ART - April 13, 2020

Just in case my comment was too late in last week’s blog, another attempt to enter the Avian Altercation contest:

Brynhilde Roth - April 13, 2020

Wishing you, your family, and your employees a blessed Happy Easter! We stay home, wash hands often, and enjoy your awesome strawberry preserves on English muffins! When not just playing with fabric, I try to make homemade face masks for family and friends. We pray the virus will be over soon!
Take care,
Bryn Roth

Julia L Carey - April 12, 2020

East Blessings to you, Shirley and crazy Millie. I love your blogs. This one was especially welcome due to all of us being inside. I do go to the grocery store every week or so, trying to keep the list short so I don’t spend a lot of time there. We’ve had a lot of rain in Southern New Jersey so when we get a sunny day, I go outside and walk around my yard and maybe sit on the back step as the sun is going down. I was thinking about places I love and would like to see again and PEI is one of them. Being there made me feel like I was in another world. Beautiful, peaceful, isolated but in an enjoyable way. Enjoy your day and remember that He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Love to all, Julia

Angela Canales - April 12, 2020

I want to wish you and Shirley a very happy and blessed Easter.Thank you for the beautiful gift of music that you shared with us. It brought us such a peace during this very stressful time in our history. God bless you!

Barbara Ewart - April 12, 2020

Happy Easter! ♡ Happy Millie.
Happy Nature in a quieter world.

Joanne - April 12, 2020

The pictures of Millie, the moon, the field and the house are peacefully magnificent.
Thank you, be well and Happy Easter from Montreal!! Joanne

Valarie LaBore - April 11, 2020

Yes, dogs are always good for a laugh, and they know it.
Thank you for sharing the chants recording. It was so soothing and spiritual.
Happy Easter to you and your family.

Audrey Wilde - April 11, 2020

I love reading you Blogs. The story about Yellowknife is special. Makes me want to try and take some photos of my neighbors here in rural Wausau.
Blessing this Easter to Shirley, you and of course Millie
Looking forward to next time,

Derinda Lyall - April 11, 2020

Thank you for your Blog every week. You are so fortunate to live in PEI. We will be back to see you next year. Have so many compliments on my little Teapot teaspoons. I have a CD of Gregorian Chants.Very Spiritual.

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