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A Monk Asks + What Dogs Want + I am Responsible

A Monk Asks + What Dogs Want + I am Responsible

Good Morning from Warren Grove, Prince Edward Island

I hope everyone had a good week. I appreciate you being here with me this morning. 

It has been a great week for sunshine; feels good.  

"Behold, my friends, the spring has come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!" S. Bull

Kettle on? Time for a cuppa. 

This week, I noticed a returning visitor to the wooded area beside our home;  a beautiful majestic Bald Headed Eagle. He showed up last year, sitting up high in a tree observing the goings-on. Unfortunately, I have not seen any signs of nest building, but will be watching for any hopeful signs.

For the thirty-five years I worked and played at our shop in New Glasgow; there was always a pair of Bald Headed Eagles nesting not too far from our building. Unfortunately, a few years back, the female flew into electrical wires in the village and was killed. And after that, for what seemed like a year, the male would fly constantly overhead, looking for his mate. It was so sad knowing that these birds mate for life, and often not choosing another mate when one of the pair passes on.

Before this accident happened, they would often fly near our building to the delight of many folks in the dining room. At times they would put on a show by diving into the river and come away with an eel or a trout wiggling to try and get free.  (that was the eagles, not the customers. LOL)

I learned that when a bald eagle loses a feather on one wing, it will lose a feather on the other to keep its balance.

"A monk asks:
Is there anything more miraculous
than the wonders of nature?
The master answers:
Yes, your awareness of the wonders of nature."
~ Angelus Silesius

I feel blessed to think that another pair might be starting their nest in the woods beside us. But, if not, it must be close, as up to this point, I only see the one eagle every day, and, based on its size, I believe it is the male. 

The females do most of the incubation when it comes to nesting, and the males do the hunting. The size difference fits perfectly for their duties; the males’ smaller, sleeker body enables them to be slightly better hunters, and the females’ larger size allows her to sit for long periods on the nest. The larger size in females is also an excellent deterrent for predators approaching the nest. Fortunately, good hunting in the tidal river is not too far from our home.  

The circle of life is what it is; having the eagle close, smaller birds will have difficulty nesting successfully, as evidenced by the amount of small broken eggs I find dispersed on our lawn while walking to the cabin to write. 

Millie will join me in the cabin, and she is great to relax under my desk and just lay at my feet for an hour or so and then gives the nudge that it is time to play or go out and her business. Much better than the stand-up reminder on the Apple watch! 

I know Millie brought a lot of joy and comfort to our family during the Covid lockdown. And after reading this New York Times story, What Your Dog Wants, I learned that it was the same for millions of people worldwide. 

As a dog owner who read this article, I found it helpful and learned a few things. For example, when Millie licks my face, it is not to say I love you; it is to find out what I ate last! LOL. 

"All his life, he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For, after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog." ~ Charles M. Schulz

A 2021 study found that, during the pandemic, people who owned dogs felt more socially supported and were less likely to have symptoms of depression than people who didn’t own a dog but wanted to.

The abstract from the study. 

“Major life events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, affect psychological and physiological health. Social support, or the lack thereof, can modulate these effects. The context of the COVID-19 pandemic offered a unique opportunity to understand better how dogs may provide social support for their owners and buffer heightened symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression and contribute to happiness during a significant global crisis.

Participants (768 pet dog owners and 767 potential pet dog owners) answered an online survey, including validated depression, anxiety, happiness psychometric scales, attitude to and commitment towards a pet, and perceived social support.

Potential pet dog owners were defined as individuals who did not own a dog at the time of the survey but would be very or extremely interested in owning one.

Dog owners reported having more social support available to them significantly compared to potential dog owners, and their depression scores were also lower than potential dog owners.

There were no differences in anxiety and happiness scores between the two groups. Dog owners had a significantly more positive attitude towards and commitment to pets.

The results suggest that dog ownership may have provided people with a stronger sense of social support, which may have helped buffer some of the negative psychological impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The New York Times story, What Your Dog Wants. 

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." ~ Frederick Douglass

I am trying to get into a routine these days but still find it challenging to do so. 

Sometimes, I wonder. ADHD in Adults.

In my new blog, A Bunch of Good Things, I plan on sharing what I am learning from the reading from the non-fiction books I have on the go.

  • The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play ~ Neil A. Fiore 
  • Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life Martin E.P. Seligman 
  • Incorrigible Optimist: 9 easy steps to make your life more positive and happy. Mark Allen. Complete. 

The first newsletter will be coming soon, I have a couple of minor things to work out, and once I do, the weekly newsletter will start. You can sign up here. 

I have to run, finally getting the winter tires off. Yahoooo...

Ode to Joy.

I wish we were all in this video today. 

Have a great weekend! 

With love from Prince Edward Island. 

Bruce + Millie

ps. Your Morning Smile 

Employer: "We need someone responsible for this job."

Applicant: "Sir your search ends here! In my previous job whenever something went wrong, everybody said I was responsible."

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Gillian Keane - May 21, 2022

Played at my wedding 50 years aga❤️

Julie MacKenzie - May 15, 2022

I look forward to reading your blog every weekend. Dogs are the most loyal beings…even more loyal than most humans that I know. My dog Rusty is my little shadow and by my side constantly. I adopted him from our local shelter 7 years ago. He was already 4 years old. Turning 11 years old this June. I enjoyed the video. Thank you for sharing it with us. Looking forward to the newsletter. Have a great week!

Murdock - May 14, 2022

Yes dogs are special as they bring so much love and support to those who treat them as family.We had a dog and a cat and we loved them both as they brought such joy to our family. I walk in my community every day and meet the most adorable dogs and always stop and let them lick my hand – their owners are always appreciative. But once we get to our Cavendish property , the squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, rabbits , etc keep us close to nature and we love their company. Hoping you have a good week. Murdandcon

Kay - May 14, 2022

Thank you for your blog, yes pets do provide comfort. The Ode to Joy was wonderful, brought tears to my eyes even seeing the children enjoying it & climbing a light pole & directing! The info on the eagles were interesting.

Lynn - May 14, 2022

Thanks once again for a great blog Bruce! I especially enjoyed watching the kids with the Ode to Joy. Kids can be so sweet and spontaneous! 8-)

As to getting into a routine, just relax with it for now. The routine will come and then you’ll wonder where the time went — more busy than when you were working. It’s true! Enjoy the un-routine-ness of life while you have it!


Brynhilde Roth - May 14, 2022

Bruce, I especially enjoyed your blog today. We live in an area with many bald eagles and it is a joy to spot one up in a tree or flying overhead. Ode to Joy was the recessional music at our wedding many years ago. It brought special joy and happy memories to me today despite the fact we are missing my niece’s wedding in Washington, DC, this afternoon, due to lingering issues from my husband’s stroke. Many thanks! Bryn Roth

Carol Hanson - May 14, 2022

Thank you for your words of encouragement every Saturday morning. Tears of JOY welled up and spilled over as I listened to “Ode to Joy”. Amazing music!

althea - May 14, 2022

Morning, Bruce. Picture of the sun-dappled woods reminds me of Pinette. Is this one of Katherine’s? Have been missing her pictures. Also, amazing how Nature balances things when a bird loses a feather! Wow!. One learns something every day. Joyous. A.

Valarie LaBore - May 14, 2022

“For example, when Millie licks my face, it is not to say I love you; it is to find out what I ate last!”
LOL, and all this time I thought when my cat, Chloe, licked my face it was a kiss! I guess it’s the same thing when she licks my hand?

Lillian McDermott - May 14, 2022

Love reading your blog. Keep it up.

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