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Great News, Nature is a Gift, and Baring it All in a Window

Great News, Nature is a Gift, and Baring it All in a Window

Good Morning from Prince Edward Island, 

What a beautiful fall so far, the day air is warm and the night air crisp. 

I hope this finds you well and up for being together today. 

Kettle on? Is cuppa ready? Thank you for letting me into your time and space. 

Some exciting news from the Island this week. 

A recently launched literacy program for Island children has had to temporarily close its registrations after meeting its annual target within a day.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is a book gifting program where kids under five receive a free book in the mail every month. The P.E.I. Literacy Alliance had secured funding for 2,000 kids for the year and launched the program on Wednesday. Read more of the CBC story here.

I love the fact this program through these books become a bridge connecting young minds to creativity provided through the story and the mind of the story writer.  It becomes an opportunity for the parent(s) or guardian(s) or grandparent(s) or family or educator to connect to the children they are reading to.

It brings the child into a connection with the world around them or at least to a connection within the story and or the characters in the book. 

It connects the child’s mind to the thinking process and growing with an understanding that reading is fun. Caveat: Only if those who are reading it share with a sense of wonder, mystery or fun. A great book would be all three. 

I went searching for a video this morning that might endorse when I starting thinking about ‘connection’ and I found a Brene Brown Ted Talk and a quote, I liked. 

I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. ~ Brene Brown

Here is the 2010 video of Brene's. Unfortunately, the technology at the time didn't have the tools available to embed the video into my blog. So here is the link to: The Power of Vulnerability 

From the video: There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging. That's it. They believe they're worthy. And to me, the hard part of the one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we're not worthy of connection, was something that, personally and professionally, I felt like I needed to understand better. ~ Brene Browne

Life is all about connection. Young to old. Old to young. We are all connected.  When we feel we are not, the mental isolation leaves us feeling lonely and alone.  Unless you made the decision to intentionally retreat to recreate and reactivate the healthy soul that aches to be free and live the remaining days in peace.

We all need silence every once in a while to get the noise/ internal voice lies under control.

True silence is the feast of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn

Where to go from here? 

Perhaps a long walk in nature later today. 

Nature is a Gift, stated so well by one of my favourites spiritual writers, Henri Nouwen

In recent decades we have become particularly aware of the crucial importance of our relationship with nature. As long as we relate to the trees, the rivers, the mountains, the fields, and the oceans as properties to be manipulated by us according to our real or fabricated needs, nature remains opaque and does not reveal to us its true being. When we relate to a tree as nothing more than a potential chair, it cannot speak much to us about growth. When a river is only a dumping place for our industrial wastes, it no longer informs us about movement. And when we relate to a flower as nothing more than a model for a plastic decoration, the flower loses its power to reveal to us the simple beauty of life. When we relate to nature primarily as property to be used, it becomes opaque, and this opaqueness is manifested in our society as pollution. The dirty rivers, the smog-filled skies, the strip-mined hills, and the ravaged woods are sad signs of our false relationship with nature.

Our difficult and very urgent task is to accept the truth that nature is not primarily a property to be possessed, but a gift to be received with admiration and gratitude. 

Only when we make a deep bow to the rivers, oceans, hills, and mountains that offer us a home, only then can they become transparent and reveal to us their real meaning. ~ Henri Nouwen


Today, while writing I have been listening to some wonderful classical music. 

Sample Listen Here: Sergei Babayan playing Rachmaninoff: Préludes; Études-Tableaux; Moments musicaux

Sergei Babayan was born in Gyumri, in Soviet-controlled Armenia, on January 1, 1961. His family was musical, and he began his studies at age six in Armenia, taking lessons there with Georgi Semerdjiev. At the Moscow Conservatory, his teachers were Mikhail Pletnev, Vera Gornostayeva, and Lev Naumov. Babayan took his first trip outside the Soviet Union in 1989, which produced a breakthrough in the form of a consecutive series of competition victories at the Cleveland International Piano Competition, the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition, and the Scottish International Piano Competition.

I hope Sergei’s tickling of the ivories tickled you enough to reconnect yourself to (fill in the blank) ______________.

Have a wonderful weekend and may next week be fruitful for you. 

With love from Prince Edward Island.


Bruce & Mille 

Housekeeping Note: This week, we seemed to have had a programming glitch with our system.  Some of you received “Welcome” notifications and this may have confused you. This was not our intention. My apologies. 

We are in the process of 'cleaning' our list of 65,000. Over the next bit, you may receive an email requesting you to confirm your email address for us. 

I hope you will join us as I wish to have our list built around the highest of standards. 


Customer: I'd like to try that dress in the window.

Assistant: I'm sorry madam, I'm afraid you'll have to use the fitting room, like everybody else.

Previous article Happy News + Rewilding + Magicians Dilemma


Nan C Loyd - October 31, 2020

Coming late to the party but playing catch-up by getting to read several posts in a row is wonderful! I’m still smiling at Sergei’s wonderful joyful piano but watching the conductor smiling and truly enjoying what he’s doing made my morning!

Mary-Julie Adamowicz - October 10, 2020

Just taking a moment to wish you and all your friends, family, and employees a very Happy Thanksgiving! Try not to eat too much.

Paula Mueda - October 10, 2020

I particularly liked the quote from Henri Neuwen in your October 3 Blog, especially the very last sentence. Thank you for the wisdom you pass on to us, your readers.

Jeannette Janssen-Sjostrom - October 7, 2020
I appreciate your heart warming and wise words. I learn a great deal from your insights. Thank you!
Lisa - October 5, 2020

You have inspired me to gift all of our grandchildren a book bag full of books wether we read in person with them or on Facebook it is a gift of a lifetime. Also just wanted you to know I used some of your words of wisdom when I performed my daughters wedding in our back yard. It was beautiful and your contribution appreciated

Peggy Freeman - October 4, 2020

Hi Bruce! Love the music, beautiful! Thanks for reminding me how much I appreciate watching nature in all of its glory! Climate change is concerning, and I feel it is so important to reconnect with the absolute beauty in nature. Thanks again, and I, too, miss the Mille pic!
Peggy Freeman

MYRA b WOLTER - October 3, 2020
Oh so lovely and very much appreciated for to you share
Bernice Turner - October 3, 2020

Your blog feeds my soul, thank you.

Lynne - October 3, 2020

Happy Autumn. I love reading your blogs. You have inspired me to create my own which is now up and running. I hope I can touch as many people as you do. Cheers and Blessings!

Hilary Clare - October 3, 2020

Oh my goodness! That joke so reminded me of a friend, long since gone but left behind such a sense of humour. While walking downtown Vancouver a sign in an antique shop stated “ Old Dolls Wanted”. My friend went in directly and said “I’ve come to apply”, the poor shop owner just stared blankly at her. She said you’re advertising for old dolls…well, I’ve come to apply! The light went on And suddenly this rather robust man burst out laughing and the whole shop started to giggle. She had that effect on people. Thanks for the reminder! Well done You!

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